Chapter 2:

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I was was all into my phone when Karma showed up.

"Kar, did you follow ya big head brother on my Instagram? I should slap you." I said without looking up.

When she didn't say anything back I look up and see him sitting in front of me.


No, Kjayy. He's not Kody to me anymore.

"That's how you feel?" He asked smirking. "What's up Chanel?"

I almost got caught up into his hazel eyes and deep voice. I had to look away. I shot a glare at Karma.

"I'm sorry. He heard me talking to mom before I left." I sighed leaning back crossing my arms as the waiter came over and we all order.

"I can't get a hey or nothing?" Kjayy asked.

"Hi, Kjayy." He cringed probably from me calling him Kjayy, but that's who he is to me now.

"So you just move away without saying bye. Then you come back without getting in touch." Kjayy said.

"I didn't move away I left to go to school. I had my reasons for not saying bye and I did get in touch just not with you."

"Well damn no holds bar." He said and I shrugged.

"Anyways," Karma said. "Nelly, mom wanted me to invite you to the beach with us next weekend."

"Why the hell didn't I get invited?" Kjayy asked.

"So you gonna come?" Karma asked me ignoring Kjayy making me chuckle.

I shrugged. "Sure I guess." It's time for me to stop avoiding everybody and everything just to avoid Kjayy.

We had a decent time at lunch after we got past the awkwardness. Even though Kjayy would try to flirt here and there I wasn't having it.

As we walked out I noticed Kjayy staring at my CK chain. Even though I hated him at the time. I never took it off.

"You be fucking other niggas while you rockin my chain?" He asking making me damn near choke on air.

I shouldn't even be surprised he was always the type to say whatever came to his mind. Little does he know he was the first and only nigga I have been with.

But I won't give him the benefit of knowing that.

I didn't reply I just unlocked the car so Karma could get in. As I was about to open my door he put his hand out to stop me.

"Why do you keep calling me Kjayy?" He asked.

"That's your name."

"I'm Kody to you."

"Not anymore. Kody wouldn't have hurt me, Kody wouldn't have cheated on me, and Kody damn sure would not have been missing when I needed him the most."

"What do you mean when you needed me the most? I was always there for you."

"Not the time I called you damn near a hundred times. You know what? That doesn't even matter anymore." I said before getting in and driving off.

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