"Why don't you just settle down in a relationship?..." He sighed and looked back to the pond. "Why are you so interested all of a sudden?" He asked. "I'll answer that question when you answer mine." He looked down, then back up to me. "I just don't want one..." Lies. I knew Justin way too long, I knew when he was lying to me. "Now you answer my question" I sighed.

"Justin you are capable of being an amazing boyfriend. You have the looks, the personality, the charm... This whole player thing is what girls see but it's not what I see... I see the real you. The real you wouldn't even dare of hurting me, so why would you hurt all these other girls?... I just feel like, if you found the right girl, you would be such a perfect... and amazing boyfriend..." I noticed that I got closer to him as I finished my answer. I don't know what came a hold of me but I leaned my forehead against his. His eyes moved from down to up as he looked into my eyes.

The beeping on his phone broke the moment. I moved away and sighed. He grabbed his phone and answered it. "Hey... Oh, Natasha... hi. Now?... Um..." He looked at me and I just nodded. "Sure" He talked to his phone. He got up and hugged as he raced out the park still on his phone. I got up from the bench and walked closer to the pond and held a quarter tightly in my fist as I shut my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly and loosened my grip on the quarter before letting go and sink into the pond.

I sighed, walking out of the park and walking back to school.


I laid in bed thinking about Justin. After not being able to sleep, I walked out to my balcony and looked into Justin's room which was straight across from mine. His room light was on and I saw him with a girl. I rolled my eyes feeling a little hurt. Like everything I told him today went into one ear and flew out the other. The girl was leaving and kissed Justin goodbye as he closed his bedroom door.

Justin walked towards his window and opened it. "Hey stranger..." He was shirtless and I knew he just had sex with that girl. "Can you come over... like right now" I shouted to him. He raised an eyebrow in confusion and did what he was told after slipping on a white t shirt and jeans. He climbed out his window and climbed over the fence that separated our houses. He climbed up the side of my house as he got to my balcony. I helped him up and he was on. "Whew, haven't done that in a while" He smiled and I dragged him into my room.

I let go of him and faced him with my hands on my hips. "What?..." I sighed. "Justin... I saw you with that girl. It's like everything I told you was nothing..." He rolled his eyes. "Why do you want me to have a relationship so bad?" I didn't really know the answer to that until thinking for a bit. "You may not know it but your hurting those girls..." He shrugged and licked his lips. "I just enjoy sex (Y/N)... What do you want from me?" I sighed. "The real answer why you don't have a relationship and don't tell me what you said in the park... It was a lie and we both know it..." He sighed.

"I can't tell you why!" He sat on my bed and I stood facing him. "Why NOT?!" He got back up frustrated. "BECAUSE IT CAN RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP!" I stopped. He sighed in frustration . "Wh-What are you talking about Justin?..." He shut his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. "I never wanted this too go this far... I didn't know what to say or do..." He panted. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Just say it..." He held me back tighter. "I love you (Y/N)..."

I slowly pulled back from the embrace and looked at him shocked. "Ever since we were younger I have had a thing for you. You were the only girl who understood me and the only girl I can be myself around. I thought if I started doing things with other girls would make me not like you, so I did. Then, it became a habit and I got used to playing girls. The thing was though... it never made me stop loving you... I thought it would but I was wrong, completely wrong... I love you (Y/N)..."

He looked at me, his face pale and his eyes shinning brighter than ever. I moved closer to him and placed my hands on his shoulder as his arms slowly wrapped around my waist. Our foreheads leaning on each others as his warm breath comforted my cold body. He looked down at my lips as I started to lean in. He brought me closer to his body, holding me tight before our lips touched. We moved together in sync as a tingle fell down my spine and my heart thudded faster against my chest. I've never felt this way before.

I wanted more. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed me against the wall. His tongue found it's way into my mouth as we started to make out. His hands caressing my sides as my hands ran up and down his back. He led his hands up my body and to my face where he held it gently. We both slowly pulled back, gasping for air.

"I love you too Justin..." He smiled and went in again for another kiss, but I pulled back. "So what does this mean?" I pecked his lips and he pulled back. "That I'm yours and you're mine. Only mine, no one else but you. My first real girlfriend" I smiled at the thought of being his first girlfriend after being his only girl best friend. "I'm special" I giggled and he kissed my cheek. "Of course you are." I smiled and placed my lips on his again.

The player finally fell in love

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now