The Broken Mirror: Introduction

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The attic, a forbidden place for me and I DONT know why. As a child, i was very curious about everything, is water wet?do aliens exist? are all humans robots? And many more questions that remain unsolved like the attic.My grandma takes care of me nowadays, she's the only one left.
My parents well.......I don't like talking about them. Anyways one day when my grandmother wasn't home, It  was  the first time she is leaving me home by the way, I had to beg her a LOT for her to finally change her mind and think of me as a mature young girl so being the curious kid I was I wanted to go investigate. I wanted to know what they were hiding from me, why I wasn't allowed there, what lurked up there that was not for me to know. She said it was old and dusty I do have some severe dust allergies so I thought it was best for me to not lurk up there......well.....until  now
I don't know about today, it's like there was something in my head telling me "don't go up there, listen and do what you're told" but there's an even louder voice in my head saying " It's fine if you go up there right? Grandma won't be mad if she doesn't find out and what could be the worst that's ups there?!" So that was it. I was going up there because if I didn't my brain would explode of curiousity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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