AP Gov 2

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11/30/18 // Essay Questions

Question #1

a. (1)The House of Representatives and the Senate are different in that Representatives are the people that one would go to about an issue with how the country is being run. Representatives are there to support you in the Federal government, while Senators are meant to represent the state in which they were voted into office. (2)It is for this reason that the Senate has two Senators from each state (one hundred total), and the House of Representatives gets 435 Representatives, each one representing about 700,000 people. (1)The House and the Senate are similar in that they both must be elected by the people. (2)They also both have committees and subcommittees.

b. (1)Committees in congress can be used to direct public attention to major issues in the country. This type of action is typically carried out in Joint Committees, committees made up of members from both the Senate and the House of Representatives. (2)Along with this, committees also decide whether or not to make bills and proposals into laws.

c. (1)One factor that influences the legislative process is party voting in which people vote for someone or something strictly because they/it represents their party, in turn voting against someone or something for being affiliated with the opposite party. (2)Another factor that influences the legislative process is interest groups and the media. Depending on what people are passionate about at the time, this can affect what congress chooses to make a priority and how it affects the population. (3) The influence that party unity votes and the media have on the legislative process is very different in that party unity votes affect the laws that get passed directly from inside the voting process, while interest groups and the media affects what policies are made priorities by making their voices heard and demanding action on certain issues.

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