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Niall's POV:

My hand was thickly wrapped in a tensor wrap. I refused a cast and I was told to go home with Mia.

The drive home was also silent.

We got to the hotel and I walked to my room. I was on my phone scrolling through photos when I saw one of Stella. It was when she was beat up by Blake.

I fell back onto the pillows and dropped my phone. I stared at the ceiling.

Reality must have hit just then because I broke into tears and smashed my bad hand into the room.

Mia came running in.


I laid my head on the wall as Mia walked towards me.

Mia embraced me into a hug.

"She's been shot in front of me. Now she's been kidnapped. Luke's gone too. My life is just crumbling."

"I know. They're going to be fine." Mia assured.

We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Wait." Mia gasped.


"Get in the the car." She demanded as she grabbed my wrist and ran through the front doors.

She got in the drivers seat of my SUV and sped down the streets down to Chicago U. She got out and grabbed my wrist again as I got out.

We walked to a frat house there.

Mia slammed on the door of the frat house and someone opened shortly after.

Mia angrily slammed the guy into the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" The guy asked.

"Shut the fuck up Matt." Mia spat.

"Where is Nick?" She spat angrier. I looked shocked.

"I don't know." He smirked as he pushed her back.

I took my gun out and pointed it.

"Where is Nick Pearson?" Mia repeated.

"I don't know." Matt repeated.

I shot The ground not even a foot away from Matt's foot and he answered quickly.

"Okay okay I thought he was at an old house on Wild St." Matt answered.

Mia ran back out the door and I followed as she hopped in the car and we drove to Wild St which was an hour away.

Happily (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now