Chapter 2- Darkness

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(Third person P.O.V.)

You woke up to be greeted by moonlight shining on your face. Other than the moonlight that peeked in through the curtains,the room was completely taken over by darkness. You had gone to sleep early,so it was normal for you to be awake at this hour.

A black cat with white paws and a white muzzle sat on top of one of your small bookshelfs. You smiled at the cat,Lavender. The last time you saw the rest of the Umbrella Academy  they had given Lavender you as a present. It was Klaus that handed her to you,since he was your best friend other than Ben,but he passed away on a mission.

The last time you saw Ben was when Klaus showed him to you. Since you had the ability to bring back the dead,you could see them as well but only if they wanted to be seen. You still remembered that day,as it was the day before you almost killed Pogo but that was two years ago.

Lavender jumped down and walked somewhere in the darkness,the sounds of her steps echoing off the walls. The sudden silence reminded you of something,the Umbrella Academy.

You didn't call the rest of the Umbrella Academy your brother's and sister's. All of them,including you,where adopted and they where not blood related to you or each other. Plus,there's Luther and Allison's relationship.

You had thought about sending a letter to Klaus or Five if he had even returned. But you realized that if you sent a letter and then showed up in person it might be better,even if everyone still hated you. Sighing,you sat down at your desk and began writing.

Dear Klaus,
I've thought about returning to the Umbrella Academy and I've made up my mind. I will be arriving sometime this week,I hope you don't mind. Oh,and if you could tell the other's that would be great. And I'll be bringing my things including Lavender,my cat. And don't forget to tell Ben I'm coming.
Love, (Y/N)

You smiled and read the letter over, making sure you spelt everything correctly. Once you finished rereading it you where at the door with your coat and boots on, ready to go to the Post office.  Lavender gave a small goodbye mroow and watched your leave. And while you where walking you couldn't help but to think about Ben and Klaus,they where your friends after all.

And soon enough, Klaus received a letter. 

Ghost Town // Ben Hargreeves x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant