Part 2

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After setting up the camping ground your friends urge you to go fishing with them. You agreed and you showed off your fishing skills. 

After fishing, you prepared dinner for the whole group. 

You: How do you like my grilled salmon. 

Lola: Delicious 

Barry: I bet next time you could make a pizza. 

You: I wanted to be a chef someday. 

Lola: Chef (y/name) is in the house yo! 

That night while everyone is asleep, you decided to use the bathroom. After using the bathroom you see bloody footprints on the floor and words written in blood that reads: 


You are shocked and you felt someone covering your mouth and hold your neck. 

Jeff: SHHH...Guess who? 

You: Jeff is that you? 

Jeff: You guess it right. 

You: What have you done with my friends? Did you kill them? 

Jeff: No! These blood are boar's blood. In fact, I brought boar for breakfast. 

You: You mean you didn't kill my friends? 

Jeff: No! I'm a changed boy now. 

You: What are you doing alone in the woods this whole night? 

Jeff: I'm hunting for psychos. 

You: Do I look like a psycho to you? 

Jeff: No but there is someone lurking in the dark right now. 

You: What do you mean? 

Jeff: I'll protect you. 

You: Does this means you're not a villain? 

Jeff: No I'm not a villain, I'm misunderstood. 

You: I got to tell my friends about you. 

Jeff: Keep your voice low. Do you hear that? 

You: Someone is in the dark. 

Your friend Barry woke up. 

Barry: Woah! You're Jeff The Killer. 

Jeff: Shhh... Keep quiet you're being watched. 

Barry: What is this all about Jeff? 

Jeff: There's an evil psycho on the loose. 

Jeff The Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now