"Let's get this done quickly so we can get you patched up, shall we. You still got those granades darling?"

Chloe said, pushing Nadine against the wall for support.

"Just wait here and I'll finish this."

She said and took the two granades they had left, moving closer to another shelter. Nadine was left speechless and frustrated, she wanted to go and help, but knew that she would only be in the way and probably get herself killed. She ended up passing away for a small while, exhaustion taking over.

Many hours later, Nadine's eyes fluttered open, noticing that she was in a totally different place. It was all still blurry, but she could recognize it as as a hotel room. Sitting up, she took another look around.

"Finally! I was bored out of my mind. Try not to move too much though."

A familiar voice said, making Nadine's face turn towards the source of it. Next to the bed on a chair, sat Chloe with a book in her hands, smiling at her. Judging by the look, she had been sitting there for quite a while waiting for her to wake up. Feeling her side with her hand, Nadine noticed that she had patched her up pretty good. The other woman noticed this, and before Nadine had the time to ask, she was already answering.

"A bullet went right through your side. But nothing serious, I was able to remove it. How are you feeling? I brought you a glass of w

    Chloe said and looked at the                                          glass on the table.

Nadine was taken aback by all this. All she could do was mumble something that sounded like a "thank you" and look away. She still couldn't believe she had let herself get injured like this, it totally would affect her future jobs for a while and she didn't like it. More like she didn't want anyone to pity her or look down on her.

"You don't talk much, Nadine. One thing I've noticed about you."

Chloe commented with a small chuckle.

"What do you mean? I do."

Nadine replied, not understanding what Chloe meant. She did talk quite a lot.

"You never talk about yourself or your feelings."

Nadine frowned in response.

"Feelings? Well I am goddamn frustrated right now, that's how I'm feeling. Happy now?"

She spat out. She was just annoyed at the fact that she had gotten herself injured.

"You're unbelievable."

Chloe said with a smile as she got up.

"You should get some rest, call me out if you need anything."

She said and stood up, walking to the balcony and sliding the door open, then closing it after her. She stared at the view in front of her, leaning to the handrail, soon hearing the door open again.

"What the hell? Didn't I just tell you to rest? I didn't carry you all the way out of there just to get you killed by your own stupidity."

Chloe commented, but made room for Nadine.

"I don't take orders. Plus, I'm not gonna die because of a small wound, you patched me up good."

Chloe raised an eyebrow.

"Of course you don't."

There was a small silence between the two, both of them were just staring at the night sky full of stars on top of the city and enjoying the calm atmosphere. They were lucky they had gotten a quiet place to stay in.

"Fraze-..I mean, Chloe. Thank you for helping me today."

Nadine finally spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"You're welcome Naddie, anything for you."

Chloe replied with a small smile, turning to look at Nadine.

"What did you just call me?" She frowned a little, before turning to look back at the stars with a small hum, Chloe doing the same. But the difference being that now, Nadine had sneakily reached for Chloe's hand and grabbed it, which made the other blush.

"You know, none of these stars are even close to your beauty. Why am I staring at them when I could just stare at you?"

Chloe said, looking at Nadine with a grin.

"That was terrible and cliché, Chloe."

Nadine commented, letting out a chuckle, a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

"And still, you're blushing?"

Chloe teased, letting out a small chuckle too.

"Just..- shut up."

Nadine said and leaned on Chloe's shoulder, enjoying the quietness around them.

"You are one big sweetheart, Ross. You should show this kind of side of you more often."

"..Sweetheart? What the hell. What are we, a couple?"

"No of course not."

"Wait...Why 'of course' not?"

"I mean unless you want to-"

"Just shut up and kiss me already."

"If you insist-"

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Chlodine - Stars (Oneshot, Chloe x Nadine)Where stories live. Discover now