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The sound of guns firing echoed in the air, bullets flying everywhere accompanied by the smell of gunpowder in the air. Surviving in that kind of mess was pretty much depending on the amount of luck and ammo you had. However, this kind of situation wasn't new for Nadine Ross, the former leader of Shoreline. But there was a problem making the situation hard for her and her partner. A vicious sandstorm was covering their sight of the enemy and their whereabouts. They had no hopes of seeing the enemy in the storm, but the enemy could see them clearly, since they had actually prepared for the storm - something they hadn't done.

Nadine jumped behind a table, roughly pushing it down for a cover. The battle was nearing it's end. She loaded her gun, preparing for another risky attempt to peek from her shelter and try to hit someone.

Soon, another dark-haired figure jumped into the cover with her, holding a gun in her arms. Nadine, being quick to react was about to shoot, but stopped as she realized who the woman was.

"Oh how the tables have turned, china."

The woman said with a slight smirk, making the other frown. Really, puns? in a situation like this?

"Just make your bullets count and focus Frazer. I almost shot you."

She said, her tone making it sound more like an order than a suggestion. It was hard to gain respect among male soldiers as a female leader, so she was used to sounding strict and demanding to make her point very clear.

Chloe ended up just shrugging, knowing to not mess with Nadine at this point. She peeked from the cover and shot a few soldiers. Nadine was impressed, Chloe never seemed to stop surprising her.

"Nice shots."

She complimented, hearing the groans of the men she just shot.

"Like you said, making them count."

The other female replied.

Nadine was about to tell her that they should move on, but noticed something a lot bigger than the bullets firing at them in the distance.


She shouted, grabbing Chloe by her waist and quickly pulling her away as an RPG was fired close to the table they were behind of, blowing it into bits.

It took a while for Chloe to realize what had happened, her ears just wouldn't stop ringing.

"Holy shit... Thanks Nadine. Could've lost a limb there."

Chloe sounded more calm than expected, which made Nadine look down at her, anger in her fierce eyes.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? You could have lost your fucking life! And what would I do then, just leave you here?"

Nadine said, and winced at the pain she felt on her side, Probably the RPG or a bullet. Chloe noticed this, and even though she felt worry towards the other, she knew that a small wound like this wouldn't be much for someone like Nadine Ross. Still, it made her feel a little bit of guilt.

Chlodine - Stars (Oneshot, Chloe x Nadine)Where stories live. Discover now