Author's Note

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Hello!!!! This is a True Blood fanfic (essentially) Of course, as I said before, it is based on the Sookie Stackhouse novels, which is WAY off from HBO's True Blood.

Many things are the same, of course, though a lot changes.

You are missing out on life if you have never read the True Blood books, honestly. Just had to say that before i said anything else :)

ANYWAY, a few things everyone should know:

1.) Godric will be called Godfrey (this was what he was called in the books- also I prefer it ;) )

2.) Godric(Godfrey) is NOT Eric's maker(in the novels, he was just an aquaintance. An ancient roman called Appius Livius Ocella is Eric's maker)

3.) there is no big cluster fuck of Sam Newlin being in love with Jason, vampires prancing in the sun, Bill getting gang-fanged, or- well, you get the drift.

Otherwise, thanks for reading my fanfic. Hope you like it! :)

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