"Okay, I can do that. And Miss Kang, I'm thinking about making a clothes policy. No tight, short or revealing clothes should be worn by the workers?" I asked without making eye contact, instead I was looking at my laptop.

"O-of course sir. That's sounds great" she said in her annoying high pitched voice. If she's weren't so amazing at her job, I would've fired her years ago.

"I-I was thinking, maybe you would like to go with me to the restaurant on Sunday." She said flirtatiously

Seulgi was quite attractive but not my type. She had long red hair extensions. And her brown eyes, she looked nice with her natural short hair in my opinion. But then one day she comes in with her hair up to her back. She can be really annoying though. A few times she followed me to the cafe.

"No." I said, not looking to start a conversation with her

"W-what?" She asked, confused as of why I refused the offer when she was literally holding her clipboard underneath her breasts. Making them look even bigger.

"I have no time for you, I'm also spending with my wife and kids this weekend thank you very much. Now go do what I hired you to do, unless you don't want your pay this week, of course."

She was about to leave but I called her back, she had hope in her eyes that I had changed my mind. But instead I gave her a task I needed her to do and I smirked at her friend. She rushed out.

~Few hours later~

"Hey Wooyoung, it's 10:00 on, I'm leaving. You?" Yunho came out of nowhere

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I need to see Breanna and the kids." I replied, rubbing my eyes. I got up and put my things in my suitcase, while Yunho waited.

"How's Breanna?" Yunho asked as we exited the office and went into the elevator

"She hates me. But she kissed me, so she doesn't really hate me, I think? Ughhhhhh woman are so complicated." I sighed

"That's why I date men." Yunho commented

The elevator reached the bottom floor and we exited the elevator. Yunho left in his car while I drove in mine. After reaching home, I got in and I went straight to the kids twin's room. Unfortunately, they were sleeping. Well, I had the day off tomorrow, didn't I?

I went to my- no, mine and Breanna's room but she wasn't there. She wasn't downstairs, I had checked earlier. So I asked one of the maids that walked past.

"Where is Breanna?" But it didn't sound like a question

"S-she's in t-they guest r-room" she said, pointing to door at the end of the hallway.

I sighed loudly and stormed into the room, it wasn't locked unfortunately. Breanna was sitting on the bed, reading a book. She didn't bother to look at me and ignored my presence. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and her bare legs were shown. Her hair was in a messy bun and she just kept reading her book.

"Breanna, why aren't you in our room?" I asked impatiently, but I stared at her longs legs

She looked up at me and said, "Your room Wooyoung, your room." She snapped

"Breanna..." I sighed loudly, "We've already discussed about this."

All she did was rolled her eyes.

"I'm staying here." She said back.

"One minute" I said, leaving Breanna confused as of why I had given up easily. I went into our actual room and changed into my PJs, which were just my boxers and then, went back to the room she was in.

"Wooyoung what are you- Wooyoung put a shirt on for God sake!!" She yelled and I chuckled at her reaction. "If you're not going to sleep in our room, then I'm going to sleep." She shook her head and scoffed.

"Your impossible." She muttered. I turned off the light and got in the bed next to her. She Scottsdale away and turned on the night lamp next to her. I was too tired to complain, so I just closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

"I love you...." I said sleepily and before I was fast asleep, I swear I heard someone say something. But I shook it off because that might have been my dream, for two reasons. One being, it was Breanna's voice. And two being, it said,

"I love you too Wooyoung, but I hate you just as much!!"

His ex-wife // Jung Wooyoung Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora