"EXPELLIARMUS" harry was disarmed.

we turned to see lupin.

oh thank goodness he has come to save us.

"harry get off of him" lupin said and harry scrambled off coming over to us.

I gripped his hand standing defiantly beside him as hermionie clutched his arm standing bravely on his other side.

Sirius was still on the floor and lupin loomed over him wand pointed "well finally the flesh reveals the madness with in" Sirius smiled "well you would know all about the madness within wouldn't you remus"

they both laughed and lupin helped him up and pulled him into a bro hug.

I felt the anger bubble throughout me as I let go of harry stepping forward "HOW DARE YOU!  I trusted you!" i shouted, how could I have not known! "i covered for you! I DID NOT TELL ANYONE!" hermionie bellowed standing next to me "he is a werewolf" she said looking at all of us. I glared at the both of them and still held my wand firmly in front of me.

"enough chit chat i want to kill him" Black said licking his lips, but me and hermionie jumped in front of harry "if you want to kill harry" she started "then your gonna have to kill us aswell" i finished.

"no only one will die tonight" he a said stepping forward.

harry gently pushed me away "AND THATS GONNA BE YOU!" he shouted, he went to run but lupin held him back, "harry he did not kill your parents!" he said and me and hermionie and ron shared a confused look "oh yeah?! then who did?!" he said angrily, "someone i believed to be dead untill quite recently"

i am pretty sure i knew who it was.

"tell us" i demanded holding my wand even more firm, "Peter Pettigrew " he said "that's impossible he's dead, he killed him!" harry again shouted pointing at my dad. "he is here too, in this very room" lupin added.

"enough of the talk remus, I want do the deed that I was imprisoned for"

"Sirius just wait, he should at least know why"

"I HAVE DONE MY WAITING! 12 YEAR OF IT! IN AZKABAN" he screamed, making me flinch.

just then the door burst open again to reveal snape "EXPELLIARMUS" my wand went flying out of my hands, same as remus.

I started feeling very vulnerable, though I made it seem like it didn't faze me.

"oh how I wished I would be the one to catch you, i told dumbledore that a staff member might be trying to let an old friend into the castle" he glared at my dad while me and hermionie stood firmly close to one another.

"it's not what you thi-"

"oh shut it remus!" snape bellowed then turned back to Sirius "perhaps I should bring you to the castle let the dementors have you"

dad looked mad "well just as usual huh snivelous putting your big nose into other people's buisness and come up with the wrong conclusion" he snarled "Sirius" lupin warned

"no! Why don't you go play with your chemistry set" dad said lowly, tauntingly.

i hate to admit it but, that was a pretty good comeback.

as this was going on i saw harry slowly bend down, he looked at me and I saw my wand next to his hand i nodded giving him permission though he really didn't need to ask, he gripped my wand and stood up "Expelliosa!" snape went flying and crashed into the wall falling unconscious.

Sirius and lupin went to move but harry pointed my wand at them "where is he" he demanded and dad pointed at ron, "That's bonkers!" he said scared "not you the rat!" dad said annoyed.

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