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     Hello. The perfect way to greet someone, right? Don't be afraid to correct me if I'm wrong. There's a perfect answer for everything. Isn't there? Because if not, then this world will slowly sink and burn in chaos.
Why does everything have to have an answer? Why can't you answer every question with a simple "Who knows?" I mean to me, that seems easier than struggling to protect your perfect reputation of knowing the answer to everything.

Sometes I wish that humans didn't speak a language. I think it'd be more beneficial if we just showed what we felt. That way, it be harder to lie. And instead of having to try to reason with someone, you just give them a good kick or two. It may seem barbaric, but isn't lying just as cruel? Words are the breaking point of our existence. They are what start wars, start and end relationships, and lives. Every question has an answer. And that leads to another question, which as you may notice a pattern, must have an answer.

So if everything has an answer, then how would you answer this question:

Why do people kill themselves?

Did that shock you? Is that a touchy subject? Probably. It may be hard to address but I'm sure everyone has their answer. Go ahead. Give me the perfectly logical reason. I'll wait.

But if you're stumped, then I'll help. I'll tell you my reasons. And I'll tell you why I killed myself.

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