Just Alison

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Alison stood in line at the Brew deciphering what she should order. She remembered all the times her 'friends' would meet her here to get lunch and chat well giggle over silly things that went on in school.

"Hi, what can I get for you today," the cheeky barista asked.

"I'll just have a small green herbal tea, she didn't want her breath to smell of coffee when she met her tutor.

The one thing her mother had ever taught her was first impressions could be tough and they are everlasting.

"Name for your order ma'am, "the barista asked.

"Alison,"she said.

"Alison as in Alison Dilaurentis: the girl who was like trapped in a dungeon for like half her life," Alison was immediately pissed by what the girl had said.

Since when did anyone say she was trapped in a dungeon for half of her life? What now they're confusing her with some type of princess in a Disney film? Why did people care anyways? Were their lives that boring that all they could think about was the mysterious girl in town who's not dead anymore? Oh how she envied those princesses.

"Just Alison," the irritated teen answered.

"Oh," the barista responded flatly.

Alison stood to the side to wait on her order. She absent mindedly checked out the plethora of flyers that cluttered the Windows. Looks like there's going to be an open mic here this weekend. Ali considered herself a great writer, but she has never participated in one of these. Not  due to lack of confidence that she had plenty of, but due to the thought of everyone looking and waiting for her to say some phenomenal unforgettable metaphors; the thought of being judged on her inner most deepest feelings. She couldn't take that. The now self conscious girl was pulled out of thought.

"One small green herbal tea for just Alison, " a teen boy's voice called out.

Ali strode past the crowd of what looked like a bunch of drug addicts trying to get their fix.

"Oh, that's me," she grabbed her tea with a smile.

I know that bitch didn't write 'just Alison' on my tea. Ali turned the hot to-go cup around and undoubtedly there it was. She rolled her eyes and walked to the back of the Brew to await the arrival of this mystery tutor. 

Alison pulled out the Earth Science book and tried to recollect what pages the teacher said to read. 'This is so stupid. I swear this is petty as hell. Why am I even in highschool I feel like an adult.' The blonde began to regret the day she practically begged her father to enroll her in school again. She remembered showing Emily the new backpack her dad picked out for her and it all felt so juvenile. Emily didn't seem too thrilled that she would soon return to Rosewood high. In fact, none of the girls seemed settled on the idea.

"Earth Science book, meaning you're the person I am to tutor, Lucas said in his best professional voice.

The former Queen bee recognized the voice. 'It couldn't be no, no, no this is going to escalate quickly' Alison thought. The blonde took her head out of the book and peered up at Lucas.  The smiled practically melted off of his face. Alison had tormented him throughout junior high relentlessly. When she went missing he was relieved.  When she was announced to be dead he felt indifferent. When she came back he was scared all over again. Alison began to pack her things with an odd panicked look on her face. She was not going to sit here and be reminded of the horrible person everyone in town thought she was. Lucas stood in front of Alison as if he was in shock. She grabbed her tea and headed for the door.

Can we begin again?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora