Mipha's body was unnaturally cold and Sidon sat on his knees with her close to him. Mipha's breathing hitches in every breath she tries to take and to Sidon's horror he sees how his white palm is now stained blue with blood. The blood from his sister went from her back down in the water like a stream. "Mipha c-come on don't-.... Don't leave me now Mipha.. Please I-... I need you here.." Sidon whispers out, his arms trembling and he feels how his entire body was shaking. Mipha smiles faintly, the tears streaming from her eyes as her weak hand reaches up to pet Sidon over the cheek. Sidon holds her hand and snuggles his face into her palm while trying to hold the tears in, Mipha always pet his cheeks whenever he was sad throughout his life. This little, gentle touch means so much to him and now being on the edge of loosing so much of his life makes his heart break. 

Mipha's eyes looks right into his, as she softly stutters out "S-... S-stay strong for me, alright..?". Sidon gets caught off guard and just looks at her before he nods softly. Mipha lets out a shaky sigh before Sidon feels how her hand gets all limp along with the rest of her body. "M-... Mipha?" Sidon whispers out, looking down at Mipha's body. A small string of blood was running down her chin, and her body was even colder than before. "M-Mipha..?!" Sidon calls out once again, the desperation in his voice shining through like never before. Sidon felt his heart drop. The world around him just disappeared, the only thing he saw was his sister. Or what was his sister, now it's just an empty body. Sidon breathes shakily, the overwhelming despair flooding over him as he let's out a heartbroken cry of agony. A loud rumbling comes from the now dark clouds above as the rain starts pouring down, like the sky itself is crying.

The extreme rage and sorrow just floods out in his screams as the tears now floods down his eyes like an unstoppable river. The Zoras around his slowly starts approaching, sitting down on their knees behind and next to him. Sidon's cry fades out as is lungs can't take no more and he hugs his sister's dead body closely. Mipha's head hangs lifelessly to the side and the wet marks of her tears still laying on her lightly freckled cheeks. Her entire blue cape is bloodied down and the head decors she've worn have been partly destroyed and torn off in the fall. Sidon feels some supportive hands being laid on his shoulders as he looks over at his people who watches him in sorrow and empathy. Sidon takes a deep breath, trying to at least get himself together in front of his Zoras. He manages to make the tears stop for now and his grip around Mipha loosens lightly. "I-... I never thought that this day would come when I had to announce the future leader of the Zoras and-.. My-... My sister as dead and n-no longer with us" Sidon speaks out with a cracked voice, he takes a deep breath before he continues. "A-... As the only other child of King Dorpheus I now take the place of the coming leader of the Zoras." Sidon quickly glances over at the yet unfinished statue that's being built to honor the (before) coming queen of the Zoras. "The.. The statue shall still be finished, but more as a memory so Mipha will never be forgotten" Sidon sighs softly. 

All of a sudden Sidon feels a sharp object being pointed at his back. His eyes widen as he slowly turns his head, being met by a royal Hyrulian guard with his spear pointed between Sidon's shoulder blades. He just stands there, tensed and prepared to bash his spear into Sidon's back if the Zora prince even moves a muscle too fast. Sidon slowly turns his head back forward, expecting another guard but gets met by Zelda's furious eyes. Har golden hair is soaking wet as some strings makes their way down in front of her face. He saw the marks from tears on her cheeks and the still bloody knife is pointed at his neck. "You.... Your foolishness made me kill my own friend..!" Zelda growls out and Sidon glares at her, responding "The only foolish one here is you, and Mipha who has the gut to trust such a cold-hearted traitor like you" Sidon hisses out, Zelda hesitates for a moment, the fury from her eyes disappearing. She slowly lowers her knife, but before Sidon could react the fury flashes back into Zelda's eyes as she attacks Sidon with her knife. Sidon gasps in fright as the Hyrulian attacks him and the pain he feels when the knife sinks into his eyes is indescribable. Sidon screams out as he pushes himself away, resulting in him landing on his side and dropping Mipha's body that lands on the rocks just beside him. 'This is it.' Sidon thinks to himself Zelda raised the knife once again. 

"Stop!" A sharp voice rings through the mountains, it catches everyone's attention and Sidon tilts his head towards the voice, covering his hurt eye with his hand. Out from the blue bushes comes Link with Epona galloping swiftly under him. "Zelda, lay down the knife!" Link shouts out, putting Sidon in a state of shock. 'Was that his voice? Oh well, that's not what matters now'. Sidon thinks and Zelda stares at Link in shock as the young Hyrulian throws himself off his horse and runs up to the conflict between the two. "Both of you, stop hurting each other" Link speaks softly, Zelda slowly lowering the knife. "Spilling the blood of one Zora is enough, isn't it?" He asks and Zelda nods in agreement. She firmly puts the knife back in her belt and Link sighs softly in relief. Sidon looks up at Link with his uncovered eye and Link smiles softly at him, his eyes going over to Mipha's dead body where his smile immediately disappears. Zelda walks over to her stallion and she quickly jumps up, calling her guards along with her. "Link come on, we need to get back to Hyrule castle" she calls out and Link turns his head towards her. Sidon feels his heart drop when Link turns around completely and jumps up on Epona to follow Zelda. Link throws one last glance at Sidon before Epona trots off after Zelda's stallion, disappearing into the bushes once again. 

"Prince Sidon, are you alright?" One of the Zoras asks nervously before it kneels down next to him. He noticed on the bag on the Zora's side that it was one of their healers and Sidon willingly turns his head up to let it look at his badly injured eye. The bright blue Zora sighs softly as she takes up a piece of cloth to wipe off the blood dropping down Sidon's cheek. "Oh dear... I don't think you'll be able to see with this anymore, I'm afraid" she sighs as she quickly bandages up his hurt eye. "It-... It burns" Sidon hisses as he clenches his teeth together in pain. "I know, the herbs on my bandages are brand new, they're very effective but may burn a little" the Zora explains. Sidon smiles softly at her and she smiles back before she walks off. Sidon looks down on Mipha's body once again.

He's all on his own now 

-A Silent Lily- (A BoTW Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now