I caught a buzz on my phone and once again the distractions were increased. Twitter had been silenced as I didn't want to have to keep checking my phone but I got a direct message. From someone, I also followed


Hey, so the boys are all playing some of your favourite game. Mario kart. I have never seen you play it but still. Come on.


I will log on. Give me a second.


Can you send me your number so that I can just text you?


Yeah. My number is *********** I will wait for a pervy text.

True to form a text came through that made my skin crawl. It was his name and I was quick to tell him how it grossed me out. It seemed he took it well.

"All right fuckboys. Are you ready to ruin my relationship with you all? You can die Smii7y. Your memes could kill you. They are shit anyway." The personal attack from me made sounds and shouts of laughs, defence and confusion.

"Where did that come from? Oh, when he was cucking you? Wow, bitter. Classic girl." Tyler was trying to push my buttons but I was having none of it. I was not going to let him know that I felt happy.

"What? I am sorry that I am annoyed that another boy is limiting me and stopping me from fulfilling my potential. CUCKS." My autotune was off so they could hear me as I was naturally. "This is way too political and I had one of my videos taken down today already for not being neutral so let this stop and also I do not care if you pay me because fuck you YouTube," I spoke calmly but picked up the rate of my speech as the words worked from my mouth.

"What video?" Jiggles asked as he stopped laughing at what had been said by the two of us. Tyler seemed to be silently smiling as well.

"The Gmod one. My first Gmod one to be released because when I got killed I said 'it is okay I voted Trump and deserve this' I would take that out of your videos. Unless you are Jay and are streaming. Anyway, it is obvious I didn't because I am English and live in England so couldn't vote in America but oh well. Fuck that."  I forced my voice out so it sounded like I was really passionate about it.

"Did you know I lost half a million of my not so devoted subscribers after I said I was a female? One dude even commented 'girls are supposed to do makeup tutorials not play games. Get back' you know what? I am just shit at makeup so that would be a mess if I did makeup tutorials." My barrage of pure anger and passion seemed to liven up the chat as they all began to shout random shit until it silenced again and all that was heard was Smii7y.

"In the Kitchen is where she belongs. Not on this thing you call YouTube." The laughs had started again and Anthony shouted as the game loaded.

I drove off and managed a solid sixth out of six. The game was not my strong point and I hated it. Not being bad at it but all of the things that they did to me. I had to work up the scoreboard. By the third race, I was at least not lower than Anthony. As I drove in third a blue shell came up on the screen. In the headphones, I heard loud shouts of anger and also glee as Smii7y was about to get hit by John.

"I hope you drown in Smii7y's milk you large and oversized pussy is so big I could get lost up there." I wasn't angry and they could tell. Just like I always did, it sounded so fake. I didn't tend to rage or get genuinely angry.

"What happened?" Tyler asked when he had finally noticed that a Smii7y was in the lead and had not been hit. The blue shell was also gone.

"It hit me. I am third, was third and now I am sixth again." I was laughing so hard that my sides hurt. My desk was hit quietly as the race went on.

"I can't see I am crying and laughing too hard. John, you killed me." I pushed back my chair and rested my head on my knees again before looking up and watching myself be lapped by Smii7y.

"I just lapped you brothor." He joked and not long after that, they all did. My sides still in pain. Eventually, though, the race had to end so I watched as I never left the second lap.

"Wait, I need to piss." I stood up and took off my headphones. I ran so that the next race wouldn't be missed and I was done in a second. A few boxes got in my way until I got back. The race was rainbow road and it was rough.

"Who picked rainbow road?" I asked as I sat again. Not hearing what they had been up to and not wanting to. They were almost definitely talking about what they were up to.

"You did. Well, it landed on you and you had a random. We had rainbow road forced onto us by you." I laughed and waited for the countdown to happen.

Smii7y x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora