La Campana

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You were part of the contingency plan, an agent trained in the ways of stealth primarily, and self defense as a close second. You had gotten word that Ada mightve been killed by a man working for Saddler, and may no longer be an asset to the organization. You were now sent out to finish what she started. You approached a cabin. It had an insignia of the Los Illuminados cult upon the door. Knowing their code and your way around puzzles, you breezily attained the code and unlocked the heavy sliding door. You slowly walked in, taking in your surroundings as your eyes scanned for enemies. KAW! An inquisitive Raven was perched outside the window on a branch, peering in with glinting, yellow eyes. Just then, you could see someone outside the window. You crouched slightly, but still looked on to identify the man. He was above average height, with dirty blonde hair. It flew in the cold wind as he approached the very same door you just opened. He was clad in a brown leather jacket, fitted sporty top, and navy blue cargo pants. His footsteps drew nearer, and you hid beneath the bed. He came in passing by the bed. His legs turn quickly around, and you could tell by that that he was on edge. He grunted to himself, as if to reassure himself that maybe he was just imagining things. He continued through the door, and began speaking on his communicator. This was your chance. If you were lucky, he might have some leads as to where the sample is. All you needed was time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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