"Whats going on?"I asked ,Sally walked to her room.

I looked at Olivia she didn't speak,she sighed and walked to Sally's room...this is how it had been for a few weeks now...they hardly spoke to me.

I walked to my bedroom and called Elizabeth.

"Hello my love"

I smiled.

"Hi baby"

I walked to the window.

"Whats wrong?"she whispered.

"I just miss you guys alot"

I sat down on my bed.

"We miss you too"

"When are you guys getting back?"

I couldn't take this anymore..not seeing them...and dealing with Sally and Olivia.

"I dont know,hopefully soon...whats wrong?"she asked.

I was crying...shit...

"I cant do this anymore baby"

"Whats going on?"

"My angel whats going on?!"Alexander asked.

"Baby...I miss you both so much!"I cried.

"Shh!my love we miss you too"Alexander said softly.

"...and...Olivia and Sally are-..God..They're being so difficult"I said.

"Whats going on?"they both asked and then...

I heard bickering.

"They're so secretive,they're ignoring me,and they have these little 'meetings' and when I'm there they just leave...they...Please come back"I said softly.

"We'll be there soon"Alexander said.

I smiled and cried softly.

"Shh!sleep now my angel we will see you soon"

I hung up and then stared at the window.

I showered and made dinner..fish with potatoes..sounds weird ,but its lovely.

"Girls dinners ready!"I called,I got no answer..nothing...

I set the table.

I walked to Sally's room and knocked ,Sally answered.

"Dinners ready"I said, she just closed the door in my face.

I threw open the door ,Sally looked at me shocked .

Olivia stood up staring at me.

"Mom!get out!"

"I said dinners ready if you arent at that table in two minutes ,God help you"

I  stormed out, I walked to the kitchen  and got two glass bottle of blood from the fridge, I warmed them up for a minute and walked back to the table.

Sally and Olivia were sitting there looking at me hatefully.

"Give me another look like that"

They looked down.

I put there blood in from of them.

As I was about to sit down two arms wrapped around me,"Hello my love"Alexander whispered kissing my cheek softly.

"Elizabeth will be here now"she whispered.

Elizabeth walked in looking at me, she smiled.

Sally walked out towards the living room. Olivia followed ,I cried into Alexander's chest she held me.

We walked to the living room.

"I have had enough"Elizabeth said.

Sally looked at me sadly.

I looked at Olivia she stood up,"Why are we in trouble?we didn't do anything"she said looking at me.

"Didn't do anything?For the last month you've ignored me,you've treat me like shit and that's nothing?"I snapped.

Olivia rolled her eyes.

Alexander slapped her.

Olivia dropped to the couch and kept quiet.

"I'm done with the both of you ,if this is how you two are going to treat me I dont need this"I said.

Sally looked at me.

"We dont need you"she said softly, looking at me.

My heart broke.

Elizabeth growled.

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