Lucy scrunched her nose up in confusion, tears beginning to fill her eyes, and Edmund looked over at her, a taunting look on is face as he said, "They just don't know when to stop pretending."

Lucy's whole face scrunched up as a small sob left her lips. Rosemary set the book down and sent a glare in Edmund's direction, the boy instantly recoiling as of the look had physically burned him.

Rosemary quickly got up and started to make her way over to Lucy, but she had already pushed by and ran out of the room. Rosemary was quick on her feet and ran after the girl. She came to a stop, however, when she noticed that Lucy had bumped into her grandfather.

Rosemary smiled softly at Professor Kirke as his eyes flickered over to her. "Grandfather," she greeted. He smiled at the girl and gave her a small nod in greeting. "Rosemary," he said.

Lucy was holding onto Professor Kirke tight as she cried and he gave Rosemary a frightened look to which Rosemary let out a small chuckle. Lucy then seemed to notice Rosemary and quickly switched between the two Kirkes and wrapped her arms around the girl instead.

Peter and Susan came running around the corner and stopped at the sight of Professor Kirke trying to consul Lucy. "You children are one shenanigan shy of sleepin' in the stable!" Mrs. Macready exclaimed as she hurried into the hallway.

She paused at the sight of Professor Kirke. "Professor. I'm sorry. I told them you were not to be disturbed," she said as she glanced at Rosemary and gave the girl a look. "Rosemary should know that."

"It's all right, Mrs. Macready. I'm sure there's an explanation. But first of all, I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate," Professor Kirke said as he gestured towards the crying Lucy. He then looked at his granddaughter and gave her a small smile. "Rosemary, since the girl seems to be attached to you, why don't you go have some hot chocolate as well?"

Rosemary nodded and Mrs. Macready put her arms around the two. "Come along," she said and Rosemary was about to walk off with them when she hurried back over to Professor Kirke. She gave her grandfather a hug and he hugged her back. "Goodnight, Grandfather," she said. "Goodnight, Rosemary," he replied.

And with that, Rosemary had hurried back over to Lucy and Mrs. Macready and made her way down to the kitchen to have some hot chocolate and talk about Narnia.

- - -

"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!" Peter yelled as he threw a ball at Edmund. Edmund, who was supposed to be ready to hit the ball, was daydreaming as he stared at Rosemary who was sitting under one of the trees with Lucy. He was so caught up in admiring her that he didn't notice the ball Peter had thrown until it hit him in the leg.

"Ow!" Edmund exclaimed as he turned to glare at his brother. "Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream. And stop staring at Rosemary," Peter told him, a grin on his face while Susan chuckled from behind Edmund.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asked with a roll of his eyes while Rosemary looked over to watch them play. She found her gaze falling upon Edmund for a number of unknown reasons and she couldn't stop the small smile on her face from appearing.

"I thought you said it was a kid's game," Peter said. Edmund looked down. "Besides, we could all use the fresh air," Susan pointed out. "It's not like there isn't air inside," Edmund grumbled and Rosemary chuckled softly from her spot under the tree.

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