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"CALUM!!" I screamed, as I watched as he drove away leaving me standing in the rain. "CALUM! PLEASE!" Tears began to fall and I began to feel as if my chest was collapsing.

"Honey." My mother said quietly resting her hand on my shoulder. "Come inside before you get sick."

"NO." I cried. "I can't I have to go after him." I cried, as my feet began to move under me at a fast pace barefoot, running, faster and faster, chasing his car as is drove down our long muddy drive. I continued to cause him all the way till he got to the main road.

"CALUM!" I screamed one last time as he began to pull out into the main road. I saw him look back and suddenly there it was a loud crash. As the sound of an 18 wheeler rammed into the side of Calum's car.

"CALUM!" I screamed out as his car was pushed down into the ravine as the 18 wheeler's brakes screeched trying to stop before it was to late.
Running faster than ever I ran towards the ravine, hearing nothing but my heart beat as I thought about wether Calum was hurt or not.

I raced down into the ravine cutting my hand on a rock as I climbed down to Calum'a car.

"Calum?" I called trying to get a sound out of him hoping he was still alive, but I got no response once I reached the car. There was blood on the windshield and it was almost shattered into little pieces cracks taking over everywhere. I pulled on the door trying to get it open, but it wouldn't budge.

"SOME BODY HELP!" I screamed as panic began to feel my body as I could see Calum hunched over in the car blood on him.

With in a few minutes my father and the driver of the 18 wheeler climbed down into the ravine.

"Hannah move out of the way." My father said quietly moving me over away from the car, as he and the driver began trying to pry the door open.
Finally after what seemed like forever they got the door open and I got a semi better look at Calum. Blood was dripping from his face. His eyes where closed and i couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. My heart was racing and I couldn't hardly see because tears where threatening to fall again. This was all my fault.

"He's gotta pulse." My father said to the driver, "it's just barely there, but there's a pulse."

"The ambulance is on its way, but you'd be better off getting him out and meeting it half way." My brother yelled from up at the pick up truck up above us.

Quietly I over heard my father tell the man he was afraid to move Calum but it was the only way he could see to keep him alive.

"Daddy please help him." I cried, and my father sighed.

"Go up to your mother." My father replied pointing up the ravine. Knowing he just wanted me away so I didn't see how badly hurt Calum was I began to make my way up to my mother and brothers.
My feet where beginning to burn and my hand was hurting from where I had cut it on a rock on my way down.

"Here Lets get you in the truck." Mother said whole wrapping me in a jacket trying to protect me from the rain, even though I was already soaked all the way through.

"Mom they have to help him." I cried into her.

"They'll do the bet the can." My mother replied quietly.

After a bit of time my father and the driver of the 18 wheeler along with one of my brothers came carrying Calum up out of the ravine.

"Open the tailgate." My father called out and I quickly ran over doing so. Gently they laid Calum in the bed of the truck. His face was bruised and his leg was obviously broken, along with blood was dripping from different places.

"Is he gonna be ok?" I whimpered as I made my way into the back of the truck and up to beside Calum's head.

"I don't know." My father replied sighing.

"It's all my fault." I whimpered and gently touched Calum's cheek.

"It was an accident." My brother replied, as he got in the back of the truck with me and Calum.  As my father closed the tail gate and began walking to the cab with my mother and other brother.

"Stay here and tell the police what happened when they arrive." My father said to the driver of the 18 wheeler. "We're gonna meet the ambulance along the way."

"I will." The driver replied before walking back to his truck as my father got in the truck and took off towards the road.

"You're gonna be ok." I whispered to Calum as father drove faster down the road.

As father drive quickly but carefully down the road I couldn't help but leg tears fall. Thankfully by now it was raining hard enough my brother couldn't tell.

"There's the ambulance." My brother yelled. "Hey up and wave and yell to stop it." He spoke to me.
Doing as I was told I stood up and waved my arms yelling for them to stop while my father laid on the horn and flashed his lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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