Entry 1: Language

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They are a mysterious way to convey a given emotion that one feels.

Often times we create abstract forms to emulate the expressions we say. We call these "written languages." So, then what is a language that isn't written?

Hurt vocal cords, strange vibrations, waves upon the air. Hear that?

Those are spoken words. Communication through bizarre vibration patterns and body dialects.

Who could go through life without this vital sense of communication? Swiftly, the solution becomes clear: the body. The hand, to be exact, is an extension of everything the human has. Like this, the hand focuses on what the mind thinks, what the mouth wants to utter, and it completes the order as its master before it have started.

Stay wary of the limitations of one's mind, for language utters not every notion of the spirit. Language is much more thank what is written, what is spoken, what is motioned in hands. Expression of the heart may come through art forms, works of distant lands; lands untold to others, unknown to anyone but the individual who builds it.

Silent words, broken thoughts, no one must take it to seriously. It is truly the way the human mind thinks.

Final note: Language can be expressed in many abstract ways. My one final example is this; why don't you check the first word of every preceding paragraph, old friend? Yes, abstract indeed.

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