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Whats popping yall ? so before I give yall some good news I have something to share with yall.

And before yall be like " you spelled this wrong" stfu I know and my lazy ass aint fixing shit either

So 2 almost 3 years ago July 5th 2017 I lost my boyfriend , my besfriend and my unborn childs father

Our 3 year relationship came with a lot of problems but he was always there for me , he was there when I had the miscarriage and was blaming my self . He was ALWAYS there.

And recently a lot of books I been reading have been having parts where the boyfriend or girl dies in some kind of way

And I cry EVERY time I read a book like that because that's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy

Its 2 years later and sometimes I still cant believe he gone, sometimes ill smoke the day away to keep it off my mind but is hard as a mother fucker

Today I was crying thinking about him asking him if he can hear me

I texted my friend Ria n Tata(most yall know) because I was so confused onto why is this the 4h day in a row im having a breakdown?

And then it hit me today is the day I lost our child , I lost a piece of him and him I feel so defeated.

And sometimes I feel soooo alone

So basically I came here to vent a little bit

And anyone who feels how I feel im telling write your feelings out. by time you finished writing how you feel , you'll feel a little better and understand more.


Which should I drop first ?

p.s woud i be op if i start a fight with somebody just to let out my fursration??? Be honest

Who knewOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz