Years Past

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Years had passed and the king forgot about Regina. Regina and Robin had became good friends. Like brother and sister. Today, Robin was going to teach Regina how to shoot a bow. Regina was getting ready in her cloths that look like Robins. Regina walked out and robin was shooting his bow " Robin!" She runs to his and he looks at Regina smiling " You ready for your training today?" Robin smiles. " Yep!" He hands her a bow and gets behind her " Okay First you have to find your target. " he motions her to turn to a target he made. " Then your going to stretch the bow. " he puts his arms around her shoulders and on her hands to guide her " Then look at the spot you want to shoot." Regina closes one eye to look at the middle " Then Shoot " they let go at the same time and it goes into the middle and Regina cheers " Can I try by myself now?" Robin backs away " Whatever pleases you M'Lady " he watches her do it over and over " Good Job, here " hands her a bow bag with arrows and a bow. " Put this around you so you will always have a bow with you. " Regina puts it around her and Roland walks up to robin " Dada!" He lifts his arms up for him to grab him. " Roland, Go with little john and the merry men okay, Me and Regina are training " Roland looks sad " Okay dada..." He walks away with his head down " Okay Regina I think we are done but I wanted to have some alone time with you. If that's alright " Regina smiles " Yes! that's fine!" Regina and Robin walk to the camp and makes breakfast since it was still early " So Regina, We have been friends for quiet a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go to a " Fancy " restrant tonight?" Regina smiles " I would love to " she kisses robins cheek getting up " I should go put on one if my " Fancy " cloths to go!" She walks Into her tent and robin watches her. Robin was in love but doesn't know how to tell her that. Every time he would see her he would just want to kiss her. Then he got an idea

Robin and Regina are sitting in the restrant eating. " Regina, I got you a little something " he grabs her hand and puts a necklace box in her hand " Oh... Robin you didn't have to " she opens it and the necklace is two hearts connected " Oh Robin..." Regina smiles and sees a little note and it says " will you go out with me?" I look at Robin and nods my head " Yes " Robin smiles even more " I love you Regina.. I just never knew how to ask you "

They finish eating and they walk back to the camp. It was getting dark and they could see there camp fire and hear the boys. Robin stops Regina wrapping his arms around her. " Regina... You are so beautiful " Regina blushes " well thank you..." She puts her hands on his cheeks and for the first time they kiss. It felt like the kiss of true love. When she was kissing him she was glad that it was true love and not the king.

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