Tears Blinding.

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Myles :

It's the day of the show and I'm ready on stage with Abi.

I look into the wings and see Briar.

She runs towards me and  hugs me.

"Good luck," she whispers.

"Thanks," I whisper back. I kiss her cheek, "I love you. Wait in the dressing room and I'll pick you up OK?"

"OK" she grins.

Halfway through the routine, I pick Abi up and swing her down.

I watch Briar who is clapping like mad.

I can't wait for our date.

She's meeting my family ;something Abi never did.

I'm really glad Kelsey told Briar about the kiss thing.

I mean it's unfortunate but at least she knows.

I lean down and as the song ends, I try not to grimace, and kiss Abi.

The audience claps and cheers like crazy.

Abi holds my hand, for ages and when she finally let's go, I run off to Briar.

Or where Briar WAS.

She's not there.

I look around the group I was performing with and they won't look at me.

"She had to go," Kelsey tells me smoothly.

"Because YOU kissed your ex in FRONT of your girlfriend," Devon interrupts, angrily.

"But she knew" I protest, bewildered.

"She clearly didn't" Devon states the obvious.

I'm trying not to cry.

"You didn't tell her!" I roar, furious at Kelsey.

She looks stricken at Abi. "She told me too!"

I turn on Abi, "Why?!"

"So she can go back out with you, obviously." Devon answers for her.

Frank, the front desk guy, hands me a slip of paper, looking sorry for me.


I crumple.

Tears blinding, I push past Abi and run out.

I can't believe this happened.

Flying CarpetsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora