Night N Day Academy chapter 1

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kk so this is the firsty part of the story this is where its actually being.

So plz tell me if u like it or how i can im prove it. :D




I WAS WALKING TO CHOIR to the teacher I hated the most and with my two guards. Great. Before I walked in I stopped and turned towards my guards. "You guy aren't coming in their with me" I said.

The guard who responded was tall with big muscles and spiky black hair he looked like nineteen "we have to we're your guards".

I glared at him until I gave in defeat.

"Fine" I turned and walked in everyone turned, I kept my face expressionless and kept eating my chocolate doughnut.

Mr. Clark turns towards me and said "so Mrs. Dragon finally decides to show up. Do you have a pass?" I wanted to punch him but I just gave him the pass.

"Where have you been these two weeks?"

I told him "Read the back" but he asked me the same question I told him "non of your business and can't you read", I pointed to where it said don't ask her any questions.

He didn't listen again and said "who are they?" I was about to answer with a smart ass comment but I didn't, I turned to face my guards because I realized I didn't even ask them.

"I'm Mario", said the guy who answered my question (well it was meant as an order actually) earlier.

The other one said "I'm Dealin", he had dark brown hair and green eyes and he wasn't very tall like Mario was and he looked nineteen, too and they were both very HOT. Dealin continued " and we have to stay with Layla for personal reasons".

I turned and smiled at Mr. Clarks surprised face and walked to the last row and sat down. I looked up at Mario and Dealin cause they just stood just stood there besides me. "Aren't you guys gonna sit down"? I asked

"We're fine standing" said Mario, I looked at him and it didn't look like it. It looked like they both wanted to sit down and relax.

I smiled "oh sit down it won't hurt you, I promise I won't tell Babi" I said and patted the seat next to me. They smiled, back.

Mario and Dealin came and sat down, Mario in my right and Dealin in my left. After a while my eyes wandered around and I noticed that to many people were in here. That's when I also noticed that choir and band were together. I remembered Mr. Clark and my friends talking about it once but I wasn't paying attention. But I remembered it was something about this production thing that we were gonna do with other classes. But I didn't care cause I didn't think I was gonna do it, I would probably skip it and do something else.

As the day went by people stared and gossiped about me. Dealin and Mario weren't that bad either (but I kept acting like I didn't like them). They were very funny, and they were only three years in a half older (well actually two years because my birthday is in two weeks on Friday) so they were cool. After school I went with Mario and Dealin to an SUV it was black and very clean, and inside was all my stuff. Dealin was driving, I sat up front with him and Mario in the back, the "little" trip turned out fun.

We got to the airport and it took us the rest of the day to get to Babi's, she lived in New York. When I got there everyone was so worried about me, but happy to see me. After we ate, Babi asked to talk to me in private. We went to her office and I was surprised she never let anyone go in (usually she talks to people in a different office) I was surprised she let me in. We sat there in silence until she finally spoke.

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