Ayato Sakamaki

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  Elie woke up and felt really tired. The night before, Ayato sucked her blood and she passed out. She felt really lightheaded and wanted to sleep in. Unfortunately, she had to her ready for school or Reiji would get pissed her. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When she looked into the mirror and saw multiple bites marks on her neck and chest. She sighed and just washed her face then got dressed. She walked downstairs and saw the brothers waiting for her.

  The brothers and Elie got inside the limo. Elie looked at the window and looked at all the trees passing by. Ayato kept staring at her the whole time. He felt something was different about her but he couldn't put his finger on it. Elie tuned out all the conversations the brothers were having. Reiji noticed how quiet Elie was and gave her some cranberry juice. "Thank you." She simply said. She began to drink the juice, still looking at the window with Ayato staring her. After what felt like forever, they finally arrived at school.

School was a blur. Nothing interesting was happening. Elie kept going in and out of consciousness. After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang. It was time to leave. She got up and went looking for Ayato. It was his job to make sure Elie got home safely. Elie had a small crush on the red haired vampire but felt he would never like her back.

  Elie finally found Ayato and ran up to him. Ayato rolled his eyes "You finally decided to show up." Elie was about to say something but decided to keep her mouth shut. The two of them walked him in silence. Elie glanced at him a couple of times and blushed. He looked so handsome. Ayato noticed but decided to not say anything.

  They finally arrived back at the mansion. Elie went inside her room and laid down on her bed. She felt so bored and started to wait for someone to come to her room. She felt so horrible with everyone trying to suck her blood. Hours had passed and someone finally showed up. It was Ayato.

  Elie looked up and got a bit excited. Her heart skipped a beat whenever he was around. "Oi, dinner is ready." Elie got a bit disappointed but stood up and nodded her head. She went down stairs and started to eat with everyone else. Surprisingly, the table was really quiet. Before she left, she thanked everyone for the food and went back to her room.

  Elie walked into her room and laid down on her bed. So many thoughts ran through her head. Some positive, some negative. She mostly thought of the red haired vampire, Ayato Sakamaki. She loved him with all her heart but was too scared to tell him. He never showed any signs that he liker her. She felt hopeless. Elie then tried to sleep but couldn't. She decided to go to the lake, maybe looking at the water would calm her down.

Elie was sitting at the lake alone. It was around 1 am. She loved looking at the blue water, seeing the moon's reflection in it. "What are you doing out here so late?" Elie was startled by the sudden voice, and was about to fall into the lake. She closed her eyes, ready for the water to consume her. Before she could fall in, someone grabbed her and held her close. Elie slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the figure. It was Ayato.

"Back to my question, what are you doing out here? I was looking everywhere for you!" Ayato's face was a mixture of anger and concern. "I couldn't sleep. I don't know why but my mind wouldn't let me, so I thought going to the lake would help me relax." Elie simply replied. Ayato held her closer "If you couldn't sleep, you should've asked Yours Truly to calm you down." Elie was shocked by his words. It never seemed like her cared about her. "You belong to Yours Truly, and you better not forget that." Elie smiled softly and kissed Ayato on the cheek. He was shocked by the sudden gesture, but decided to not say anything.

Ayato picked Elie up. "Where are we going?" Elie asked. "Back to your room. You need to sleep." After a couple of minutes, they arrived back to the mansion. Ayato placed Elie on her bed and was about to leave when Elie grabbed his hand. "Please stay..." Ayato hesitated but nodded. He laid down next to her and hugged her waist. Before Elie went unconscious she heard a few words

"I love you."

-A couple hours later-

  Elie woke up. She had to get ready for school. She tried getting up, but she couldn't. She tried and tried but couldn't. Elie looked behind her and saw Ayato was still sleeping. He was holding Elie like a teddy bear, not wanting to let her go. Elie smiled when she saw Ayato's face. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She really didn't want to wake her but she had to. Elie spoke "Ayato, it's time to wake up.." Ayato didn't hear. Instead, he hugged her tighter. Elie tried to get out of his grasp, but she couldn't. "Ayato, seriously, wake up.." Ayato still didn't say a word. After what felt like forever, Ayato slowly opened his eyes.

"Finally you're awake-" Before Elie could finish her sentence, Ayato hugged her tighter. "Why did you try to escape me? Last time I checked, you belong to Yours Truly, so you don't need to go anywhere." Elie sighed "We have to get ready for school though." Secretly, Elie didn't want the moment to end but she knew Reiji would get angry if Ayato and her won't ready. Ayato groaned and finally let go. He slowly sat up. Ayato sighed "I feel thirsty.." 

  Elie smiled and exposed her neck "Here." Ayato was shocked. She never offered her blood to him before, he always had to take it by force. Ayato smiled and sank his fangs into her neck. Elie felt pain for a bit but then got used to the feeling. Ayato got a bit too carried away and drank way too much. Elie fainted due to this. Ayato immediately stopped and looked at her with concern. He sighed in relief once he checked her pulse and she was still breathing. Reiji came in and noticed that Elie passed out. Reiji said "I'm assuming you drank too much?" Ayato glared at him. Reiji sighed "Fine, you can stay here and look after her." Ayato smiled and Reiji walked out.

  Ayato laid down next to Elie and smiled. He wanted to drink more of her blood but was too scared that he would kill her. He wrapped his arms around and kissed her check. He fell asleep next to her.

AN: I'm sorry this is so bad! I hoped you enjoyed it Elie! ùwú

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