how old you were when you met

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adam banks🏒
eleven (11) years
you met when adam was still on the hawks. a specific memory before he joined district 5 was when he and a couple of his hawks friends cornered you and district 5 in an alley and taunted you guys

charlie conway🦆
twelve (12) weeks
your mom and charlie's mom worked at mickey's diner together and were pregnant around the same time. charlie was born first, then you; your mom waited a while to show you to the world. casey came over with charlie when you twelve weeks old

connie moreau🧸
thirteen (13) years
you met her when she came back from california after team usa competed in the junior goodwill games. you were biking along your street, kind of zoned out, and she was skating. she didn't get out of the way in time and you didn't stop in time

dean portman🏋️
fourteen (14) years
you met dean when you went along to california with your cousin averman to watch him compete in the junior goodwill games

dwayne robertson🤠
fourteen (14) years
you met him when the ducks started at eden hall, on the first day of school. you ran into him outside of the cafeteria, spilling your drink all over him

fulton reed🏋️‍♂️
six (6) years
you guys were in the same first grade classroom and sat next to each other. your first memory of him is him stealing your crayons for an art project; he got insanely mad when you accused him of such

greg goldberg🥪
nine (9) years
you met him when your family went to his family's deli. you two talked while your mom ordered food; you didn't want to leave but your moms set up a playdate for the weekend

guy germaine🍬
eleven (11) years
you met guy when your best friend charlie brought you along to a district 5 practice and you were instantly smitten with guy, though you noticed right away he had eyes for connie

jesse hall🎂
one (1) year
you guys met on the playground. your dad had taken you out to give your mom some wind down time and jesse was out with his parents. you two immediately gravitated toward each other and played until your dad had to take you home for supper; not before his dad gave your's their number though

julie gaffney🐈
three (3) years
you guys met at daycare, and always played together. eventually your moms talked and decided to get you guys together outside of daycare. you were best friends

lester averman🎥
seven (7) years
you met him at the movie theatre, when you both went to watch beetlejuice. your families sat in the same row and you two couldn't (wouldn't) stop talking

luis mendoza⚡️
thirteen (13) years
fulton was your best friend, and you and your mom went to california to watch team usa compete in the junior goodwill games. fulton absolutely hated the idea of you having a crush on luis

russ tyler🔥
five (5) years
you were watching your older brother play basketball when russ came with his older brother and their friends. at first, he tried teasing you but when he realized you weren't having it, he tried starting an actual conversation. you guys mostly just talked about your family and met again at the same basketball court two weeks later, under similar circumstances as the first time

xx lesserblessed

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