Start from the beginning

"Meta-human trafficking has spilled out into the galaxy," she explained, hinting at their previous mission in space a few weeks prior to the emergency meeting. "Among other things, their presence in space is undermining our efforts to rebuild both Earth and the Leagues' reputations after our trial on the planet Rimbor." 

You ignored Jeff's sly comment as she spoke, your eyes looking elsewhere, however, unable to feel some form of sympathy for the surface dweller - you had heard of the events of the mission, understanding that he was struggling with processing it all. 

Oliver cutting Kaldur off was the only thing that bought you back, glancing over to the man with a silent gaze. 

"Meta-humans are being treated as the next exploitable resource - by first world countries, third world countries, rogue nations, corporations," Batman explained, his voice never once faltering as he spoke. "It's a global pandemic."

Bringing up a hologram of Lex Luthor, you explained how he, being the UN Secretary-General, is restricting the League from any type of rescue missions outside of the US, even though some at home were still a struggle.

"There is potential he is working behind the scenes," you continued, "paying off bigger players in high-restricted nations to work against the League, he-"

"He's hamstrung us!" Oliver cried out, fist connecting with the table. You listened to his tantrum, understanding where he was trying to come from. 

Batman finally spoke up. "Perhaps it's time to acknowledge that the League has outlived its usefulness on Earth."

"Batman," Wonder Woman confronted, "That's overstating things, don't you think?"

"No, I don't." He was quick to respond. You could detect a slight change in tone from it. "And I'm offering an alternative."

You didn't think you would have to make your choice so soon. Eyes darting over to Kaldur, you could feel your body tensing with each passing word, nails digging into your biceps. You didn't want to choose so soon - you didn't want to leave anyone or hurt anyone - especially not Kaldur - you didn't want to betray him either.

"And if the UN's a roadblock to that mission, then we remove it - by removing the League."

Your pace didn't help by quickening, and you bit your cheek to stop yourself from speaking out.

"You are a founding member," Kaldur pleaded. You saw the fear and confusion in his eyes, not wanting to know what it's like having them pointed at you. 

"I'm sorry," Bruce stated, standing from his seat. "But I hereby tender my resignation to the Justice League." 

The tension in the room thickened - it was silent but somehow loud at the same time. And you found yourself struggling to breathe, digging in your nails a little harder to situate yourself.

"So do I," Oliver stated, also standing.

You hated the look Dinah gave him - betrayal was there again in the room. 

Others too resigned - Plastic Man, Batwoman, Hardware, Katana - the ticker was counting down and you weren't sure how much longer you could hold out for. 

"This was a plan," Dinah scowled. "You arranged this in advance!"

You watched as Dinah and Oliver argued before your eyes wandered to Bruce. His gaze met yours for a second before he began to walk away. 

"I'm sorry, Kaldur," he spoke, going up the short flight of steps.

"I-" You shot out of your seat, and suddenly all eyes were on you. You swallowed. "I too am resigning from the Justice League." Walking over to Kaldur, you knew the anger and betrayal in his eyes. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were, but those words never came out of your mouth.

"We need to go now," Bruce said next to you. But you couldn't find yourself to move.

"I reject your proposal," you finally said to Kaldur. "I'm sorry, my King - but how can I be expected to do more from a throne than a seat at the Justice League?"

His throat was tight and his hands were shaking.

"Now," Bruce ordered.

Bowing your head, you followed Bruce, unsure of the next time you would be seeing Kaldur - if ever.


this was so short but idk what u were expecting

uni has been kicking my ass and i might be moving out next month if someone doesn't take my spot before me and im going for my restricted next week and havent had a chance to practice parallel parking in weeks and i STILL need to get my own car

and all i want to do is sleep and not have to think about anything for the rest of my life

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