Part 3 :The new beginning

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I started my life pretty decent after the incident.the older girl took me to her home with the boy and i've been continuing my middle school and its going we're in the same high school the senritsu high school me  and senpai has been with each other for a two years and he brought me to really wonderful and pretty place and something happen..."Mika,we've been together for two years now...there something that i wanted to ask you...i've liked you since my graduation day and will you be my girlfriend?" he ask "of course yes!" i said happily and then that was the beginning of our love life together until something happen...sunday march 13th 2019 in my home...i fell down...and passed out...when i open my eyes again i saw the same room when i open my eyes from that accident i only saw white i was in a hospital..."what happen?" i said "thank god your awake,i was worried!" hikaru san said crying happily "patient Mikatsuki?" the doctor said walking to the room "yes?" i said "please calm down for the news that i'm about to say...."you have been diagnosed a lung cancer..."he said frowning. me and hikaru were shock "s-so...can i survived?" i said trembling "i'm afraid there's a low percent of chance you can survive...i'm sorry...i'll leave you both alone.."he said walking out the room " i gonna die?" i ask crying "no you wont...i promise we can do something to cure you! no i will cure you no matter what!" hikaru said "everything will be okay right?"i said "yes everything will be okay...i promise!" he said. he visited every day and check on me and we talk about life and silly thing's  but one day....the doctor came in making us worried "i'm here to give you both a sad news...i'm sorry that we couldnt do anything but...patient Mikatsuki has been predicted to died at exact two months at 12.00 pm from now..." he said "w-what no that's impossible you cant predict someone's death!" Hikaru yell at the doctor and walk out the door leaving his notebook..."thank you doctor...for the news...."i said crying and the doctor walk out the room...i see Hikaru san notebook and grab it to check if the news were true....and i open the first page and already found my name written by the exact news the doctor gave me...and i cried.we spend all of our time together and most of his time were spend for me. we always talk some silly thing to get us busy and not so panic about the time...and the time has come...we spent the exact two month together and we just wait for my was 11.00 pm all the people that love me are surrounding me...and were crying..."thank you for all of you to come to my last day and last hour it was nice to be with all of you....thank you so much...please dont forget about me...."i said crying "where is hikaru san?" mom said..."oh he's picking up a phone call..." i said smiling "sorry i'm making you all wait,Mika i have something for you..." hikaru said and casting some kind of spell and we teleported to some kind of place and he walk to the stairs and said loudly and clearly "I'M HIKARU INOCHI THE GREAM REAPER DEMANDED A SECOND CHANCE FOR MIKATSUKI THE GIRL THAT I POINTED AND I WILL BECOME THE ANGLE !! leader you can take my soul now and Mika whatever you are and wherever you are i will always love you and please dont forget about me my love...thank you for being with me to the end of my journey... i love you" he said and suddenly he was gone...but something happen after he was gone...the leader came down and point her finger to me and says "you will be the new gream reaper and welcome back my queen..." and then she left and i was given a notebook and a crown "Aaaaaah....." i scream and crying so loudly and we are back to the hospital without Hikaru san and the doctor rushed in and says "you survive!" and after i was sign out the hospital and got into the house and were fellen for a deppression for a long long time...without him i'm resetting my whole journey and decided this will be my new beginning...
that's it for part 3 am i happy thank you for all of you that reading this i'm very grateful and proud of my work  this is Kizuna San Desu peace out        ~~~~( * w * )~~~~

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