Krum's fan club glared at her as they passed by. Ron didn't even spare her a glance, keeping his eyes facing forward.

Once everyone was through, the champions and their dates lined up and walked in. Applause rang through the air as they headed for a round table with the judges.

Harry picked up a menu off the table and looked around. Then he saw Dumbledore holding his own and saying something. Pork chops materialized on his plate. Getting the idea, everyone else followed suit. Pretty soon, food was appearing at different intervals.

"I don't think I've ever seen Krum have an expression other than a scowl," Tracey commented after swallowing a mouthful of vegetables.

Watching Krum talk animatedly to Hermione, Harry definitely agreed. His eyes slid over and narrowed slightly. Karkaroff was sitting next to Remus. Neither of them looked happy with the arrangement and were emphatically turned away from each other.

The food was finished, and the Weird Sisters came in and began playing a slow, mournful tune.

"Shall we?" Harry said, taking Tracey's hand. "Be warned, I'm rubbish at dancing."

"Just try not to step on me," was all Tracey said as they began to dance.

That was easier said than done, they both quickly realized.

"Did you take lessons?" Harry asked as he narrowly avoided stepping on her foot again.

"I did. Most purebloods do, I heard, so I asked my parents to sign me up."

"I never got the chance," Harry said ruefully. The Dursleys didn't teach him anything; he was just expected to know how to cook, clean, and obey commands like a common dog.

Tracey scowled, correctly guessing what he was thinking about. "They can't hurt you anymore." A pause. "But if you step on me one more time—"

"I'm not doing it on purpose!" Harry said indignantly, to which she harrumphed unconvinced.

After a couple songs, the pair agreed they should put off dancing for the night and went for a walk outside.

"Not bad, Potter," Tracey said. "You managed to go a full minute without stumbling over your left feet."

Harry gave her mock offended look. "It was a minute and a half, Davis."

Tracey went to say something, but she stopped when a voice sounded up ahead.

"... don't see what there is to fuss about, Igor."

"Severus, you cannot genuinely enjoy being near him any longer than you have to," Karkaroff said in a low voice.

"I'm afraid I don't understand why you are making such a big deal," Severus said, sounding close to losing his temper. "You are not involved in this."

"He's nothing but a filthy beast that should be put down. I suppose we should be glad he isn't a Mud—"

"Don't." Severus had gone deathly quiet. "Don't you ever say that word in my presence. And if you go near Remus Lupin, it is not I that you will have to worry about."

"Sirius Black?" Karkaroff sneered. "What could he do?"

Severus didn't answer, for he had just spotted Harry and Tracey. "No," he said, still speaking to Karkaroff. "Not just him."

Karkaroff caught sight of Harry as well. His eyes shifted as soon as they met Harry's narrowed gaze.

"What seems to be the problem, Severus?" Harry asked, effectively dismissing Karkaroff.

A Little Help from a Snake // TomarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora