Deciphering the paper

Start from the beginning

"Yes mom" I nodded, hugging her back.

"So, did you do a good bit of exploring?" my mom asked.

"Yes, it really was exciting" I replied, still hugging her.

"Did you see anything interesting?" she asked, looking into my blue eyes.

  "Nothing you wouldn't expect to find in a forest" I answered, wondering if I should tell her about the paper, but decided against it.

"Would you like some breakfast David?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes please mom" I said, happy at the thought of eating something after so long.

"Alright then" she said with a laugh, before giving me a quick hug and kiss on the head. "Would you like some pancakes?"

"More than anything" I said happily.

  "You can wake the others up then, don't tell them about the pancakes" she winked. "I want it to be a surprise."

"Okie mom" I winked back, pulling the quilt off of myself.

Everyone looked so cozy and happy snuggled in their quilts. I had to be a heartless monster to wake them up.

And unfortunately for everyone, I was

"Hey guys" I said softly, "It's time to get up. Wake up."

No one woke up on the first try.


"Guys" I called a little louder, "Wake up."

"Mmmmm" groaned Ibrahim. "Five more minutes."

"We have to decipher the paper man, come on" I urged.

"Mmm nah, that can wait Dave, 5 more minutes please" Ibrahim pleaded.

"We're getting pancakes..." I said.

  "Pancakes? Why didn't you say so!" Ibrahim said, leaping out of the bed immediately. "Are they ready?"

I nodded, and chuckled as I saw him dash out of the room like lightning.

Now I had to get the others to wake up.

Yeah, that wasn't going to be easy.

"Ronan, wake up man" I said, pushing him slightly.

"W..wa? Oh, hey David" Ronan greeted sleepily. "Wassup?"

"Nothing much, come on, we have got to decipher those numbers and letters."

  "Oh, the numbers?" he mumbled sleepily. "I thought about it, and I believe they are co-ordinates."

"Co-ordinates? You're a genius Ronan!" I exclaimed.

  "Yeah, I am a genius" Ronan mumbled softly. "Good night Dave" he whispered before shutting his eyes and snuggling in to the pillow.

  Not wasting any time, I rushed over to the computer and switched it on. I opened a google tab and clicked the link which directed me to a page of google maps.

  "Hmm, let's see, 60,6" I whispered, totally focused on the screen. I typed the numbers in to the search bar, and waited for the screen to load.

"Bingo" I said, clapping my hands together. "Hordaland, Norway."

After that, I tried to find anything that could possibly tand for Trht, but unfortunately I couldn't.

A few minutes passed, but no luck.

Sighing, I got up and went out of the room to have some breakfast.

  The pancakes were already set on the table, so I pulled out a seat for myself and sat down. Ibrahim was eating his last pancake, and he looked like he was loving every bite. I put four pancakes in to my plate and started eating.

Holding it in my hands, I took my first bite.

  I was in heaven, the way that the pancakes melted in to my mouth in an explosion of cream and cheese just left me in bliss.

  Eventually though, I finished my breakfast and took my plates to the kitchen with Ibrahim doing the same.

"So, find out anything?" Ibrahim asked me as I put the plates in to the sink.

  "The numbers are co-ordinates. 60,6 points to Hordaland, Norway" I answered, turning the handle of the tap, allowing the water to flow out of it.

"Norway? You sure?" Ibrahim asked as he started washing the dishes.

"Positive" I replied, helping him out with the dishes.

"And the letters? What do they mean?" asked Ibrahim excitedly.

  "No idea yet, but at least we know what the numbers mean" I shrugged. "Wanna wake up everyone else?"

"Sure, they've slept long enough anyway" he grinned.

We both got up, and mentally prepared ourselves for something we may not return from.

  It didn't take long before everyone had woken up. Ben had been the hardest out of all of them to wake. We literally had to shout in his ear to even get him to grunt in response, and even after that he kept his face buried in the pillow, refusing to move. Eventually, we just dragged him out of bed, literally.

  Me along with everyone else found this to be particularly hilarious, though it didn't seem like Ben was enjoying the incident as much as we were, but oh well. Not everyone was fun.

  I just waited for everyone else to finish breakfast before I told them the good news, I didn't want them choking on their food of course.

And the moment Charlie took the last bite of his pancake, I said it.

"I figured out what the numbers mean!"

Charlie immediately choked on the food. Maybe I should have waited a little longer.

"You did?" He asked after a few moment, swallowing his food. "What's it mean?"

"Co-ordinates, they point to Hordaland, Norway" I explained.

"That's good and all" interrupted Ronan, "What's our next move then?"

  "We first get our bikes back from the shed, and then we see what we can do about the co-ordinates" I replied.

  "Are you sure we should go out in the open during day time, especially after yesterday?" Ibrahim asked hesitantly.

"Well, what's life without a little fun?" I grinned.

"You're right, let's go!" Ronan exclaimed.

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