Start from the beginning

"Did your brother pick up the call?"

Kavir looked up to meet his father's eyes, "No Dad he's probably busy working. You know how he likes to turn off all distractions."

His father only nodded.

"This is so unlike him." He only replied.

Kavir looked at his watch, "Okay dad I have to go pick up my guest and-"

"Pick up your girlfriend." Kavir didn't meet his father's eye.

"You didn't think I knew that she was in town?" He teased his eldest son.

"Dad..."Kavir warned.
"When are you going to marry her?"

Kavir sighed he knew this was coming, "We're both busy people dad. In fact we only get to see each other in person a few times a year. Her job as popular cooking tv host takes her everywhere."

"Hmmm. Atleast I don't have to worry about you starving." His dad chuckled.

"True." Kavir agreed. He was an adapter, so food for him didn't really matter. He liked and valued his freedom.

"We just have to find the right girl for Ishan. After Alee-"

"Don't you dare finish your sentence, Kavir. That bitch was ruining my son's life and I'm for one glad that she's out of his life and ours too
that wretched girl." Kavir's father snapped.

Kavir surrendered. He had no idea that his father had so much rage and hatred for a person besides his mother.

"Anyways before you go, remember that your seats are up there." His father said changing the topic.

"Up there." Kavir pointed to the upper left section to confirm, "Section B?"

"Yes. Thought you would like some privacy but please do give your dad some attention." He winked before turning around to respond to a worker.

Kavir shook his head slightly. He truly had missed his father a lot but not as much as he missed his girlfriend Kriti. He was lucky that his father approved of her unlike his brother's ex. Speaking of, his phone rang. 

"Hello jaan. I've just now landed." Kavir heard as he walked away ad far as he could from his father.

"Hey Kriti, I'm gonna text you the place that dad go set up fro you and we'll meet up at the venue? I'm still doing errands for dad."

"Okay baby that sounds good. I'll see you soon Kavi!" He hanged the call with a quick bye.

"Kavir, can you check with the lighting crew? and can someone for the love of god get in touch with my youngest son?!" Mr. Sharma exclaimed.

Kavir sighed. It was going to be a long day.

"I'm not going! It hasn't even been my first week here." Isha complained while her sister Neha ransacked her closet looking for a suitable dress for the their job's 25th anniversary party.

"Here wear this."
"Did you hear a word that I said?"

"Well do you want people at this job thinking that you don't want the position that you were given?"Neha said giving her a look.

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