ii. sugar and spice

Start from the beginning

"Do you know what you need right now?" Shelly asked her.

"A good night's sleep or a nap?" Octavia guessed.

The brunette shook her head and grinned. "No, coffee."

Octavia groaned at the mention of the gross and bitter drink. "Come on, you know I hate coffee. I would much prefer a nap in my bed, but instead I have to go into the classroom that seems like the equivalent to hell."

Trigonometry. The class taught by Mr. Faire, which is pretty ironic due to him being the most ignorant and incompetent teacher ever. No student has ever been able to gain his approval, and no one can ever get an A. He was hardest on Octavia since she shouldn't even be in his class, but she just excels at school. The teenager was barley maintaining a B+ in the subject, which was sadly a whole grade higher than half of the class.

"Oh no," Jenny said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. "It must be so hard to be smart."

"Well it's definitely harder than being a beautiful blonde that can get answers from people and won't be expected for anything based on how little she tried in middle school." After the words came out of her mouth, Octavia instantly regretted it.

"Wow O, I didn't know you could be so harsh," Jenny said, laughing at her best friend. "Don't feel bad, I know it's the lack of sleep talking and not you."

The taller blonde smiled at how well she knows her. The three girls have been through everything since they first met in third grade and instantly knew that they should be the best of friends. Shelly and Jenny were used to how sarcastic Octavia could be, Jenny and Octavia were used to how talkative Shelly could be, and Octavia and Shelly were used to how self-centered Jenny could be. But they all accepted each other for what they were, all of their flaws came together to form one perfectly imperfect group of girls.

Shelly hip-bumped the girl in the middle. "Yeah, I like it when you rant like that, it makes me feel less talkative."

The three girls laughed in unison as they approached the classroom that Octavia really wasn't feeling up to being in at the moment. The girls at her sides let go and sent her a sympathetic look before heading off to their own classroom. The remaining teen took a breath to calm down and started into the room, but was stopped when a body ran directly into her. Already having an annoying day, Octavie wasn't in the mood to deal with idiots that weren't paying attention to what was in front of them. "Remove head from sphincter then walk dumbass," She snapped at the taller boy. After the words came out of her mouth, she finally looked up and got an actual view of his face. It was one of the new kids that she showed around that morning.

Adam looked up to find the sarcastic tour guide from earlier, the one he found himself staring at the whole five minute walk they had. He didn't know why, but for some reason he couldn't help but find her intriguing. Maybe it was her attitude or her fearlessness, but all he knew was that he had to get to know her better. And this was his chance. Except it wasn't really working out in his favor due to him becoming a stuttering mess. "I-I, er, uh, sorry. I wasn't, um, paying attention. I, u-uh, um, sorry."

Octavie rose her eyebrows at the boy, the corners of her lips turning up in amusement at how red his face was starting to get. "You said sorry twice, it's not that big of a deal." She pointed out him apologizing more than needed.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I was just making sure that this was the room I'm supposed to be going to." Adam pointed out to the blonde, who nodded in understanding.

"Well is it trig with Mr. Faire?" She asked the hockey player, who checked the paper in his hand one more time to make sure and nodded. "Well you're in the right place. Beware he is the definition of an oxymoron, emphasis on the 'moron'. His name may mean equitable but he is the most ignoble person out there. Just keep your head down, don't speak in class, and do the homework. Oh, he might be a little hard on you for being younger, just like he is to me. But then again, I just get on his nerves. Got that?"

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