MaryWeasley and HiroPotter Chapter 2:THE POTTERS

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( previously in MaryWeasley and Hiro Potter chapter 1) ( this part of the story is written in Mary's point of view)

Well Mary? What is it? Madison asks, clearly bored. "Its my.. HOGWARTS LETTER! i exclaim. Why am i  so happy about this you may ask? Well as i've been told, hogwarts is the best magic school becaus- Oh great. thats mom calling me to do the dishes. As i walked into the kitchen i see my mom and dad with matching serious looks on their faces. "Mary... since you are now 11 years old i think you are old enough to know this," dad started saying. I shrug and start getting suspicious so i ask " what are you talking about? "Well..." my dad starts.

"16 years ago, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potters 2 kids got in a big fight. The fight was so bad that they separated the Weasley family and the Potter family forever. Ginny got devastated. she died a few months later, and when Harry found out he got driven mad by grief. He decided to use one of the deathly hallows. The resurrection stone. He made a ghost of Ginny appear and he took one last look at ginny and stabbed himself to be with her again. It did not take long for the word to spread that harry potter was dead. But there was something that no one knew. One of the sons had a child, the child was only 17 when he heard. He decided to take revenge on the Weasley family that broke his family apart. He blamed it on Ron Weasley. He tracked him down , he was ruthless, he gathered information from people using the crucio curse. some even called him the new voldemort! One day, he found him. he killed him...  he is still alive today and he has 2 sons. one called Henry Potter ( 18 years old)and another one  called Hiro. Hiro Potter. He is the same age as you, maybe even a bit older. Since he is 11 he will be going to hogwarts this year too. I hope you can cope with this since you are 11 years old now.                                                                 oh and can you please not tell your younger siblings this? we mean to keep that story a secret, and we will tell them when they are ready."" i nodded determined to not tell Matilde or Michael. 

in  this very moment Matilde stepped into the kitchen with tears in her eyes " mommy? daddy? was that sad story true?

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