I want something more

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You ever want something more than this....life. I mean--it's great sometimes and the people I know I'm grateful to have met them--but I don't want to be a part of this life. It's too stressful and strict. I am the kind of person who wants freedom and a magical adventure. I want a Sailor Moon kind of life. I want to be a magical, powerful princess of the solar system and far in the future be the queen of the universe. Or if I can't have that, I want to be the third Anti- Christ and change the world after I'm done with it.

Basically,  I don't want to be here. It's too plain and cruel here. So many bad things happen. Some are good, but they rarely visit this life.

I guess that's why we write stories to have us dream of a fictional life. Meanwhile I have to study for my Chinese quiz. Bleh.

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