Love had already put the sugar in and was now mixing it all. He was attempting hard to keep his head in what he was doing, and not in anything else. He let his breathing even, and forgot all about P'Tangmo… P'Tangmo, who was coming here in a bit, to help him, to be with him; P'Tangmo who often kissed him, and hugged him, and held his hand; P'Tangmo who he was in love with and didn't stand a single chance.

No, he was not thinking about that, definitely.

“Nothing, just the exams” He lied, believing he had nailed it, and that that would get P'Vier off his back.

He wasn't expecting, though, for the silence that followed, and the slowly growing smirk that was appearing in P's lips.

Love's heart stumbled, worried.

“You’ve figured it out, haven't you?” P’ asked, teasing, but at the same time with a touch or concern.

Love blushed, knowing that P’ meant well and that if anyone would understand what he was going through it would be him, who had once realised he had fallen in love, yet also afraid of having to say anything that was going on in his head out loud. Saying stuff out loud often meant that they had become real, real enough to make an impact in one's life. As it was kept in the shadows, it remained just that, a simple thought, but the second you let it out, it was over; now the secret was out in the world, roaming free, waiting for anyone to catch it.

And Love was scared someone other than himself would catch it, and would do something to hurt it… to hurt him.

“I don't know what you are talking about” Love dismissed the question, his hand moving faster as he mixed the ingredients. “Anyways, what are you doing here?”.

P’ stared at him for a bit longer, his eyes displaying a knowing glint in them. Love knew he knew already, but chose not to mention anything about it, as he himself wanted to keep everything as quiet as possible. After a few seconds, P's smile changed, and he leaned sideways on the counter, facing Love.

“I thought we were practising Judo again today, but you weren't at the field and you didn't reply to my text, so I came to find you” He explained, and Love nodded, pursing his lips. “Want some help?”.

“Yeah, sorry, I thought I had told you already I was baking my mum some cookies” Love apologised, earning a dismissing hand motion from P’. “And, I mean, you don't have to, but if you really wanna, you can start preparing the tray for me”.

“Aye aye, Captain!” P’ replied, starting on his newly-handed task.

Love chuckled. “You are so extra sometimes. Did you know that?”.

“Extra who?” P’ said, spraying the tray with Pam Oil with his arm held high and his hand down, like that meme Love had seen online.

Love laughed loudly at that, bumping P’ with his hip and throwing bits of flour in his face.

“Stop that” He told him, smiling. “Work like a normal person”.

P’ grinned, proud. “I am not a normal person. I am the embodiment of perfection, what do you want me to do?”.

“Oh, fuck off!” Love bantered. “I didn't know you could be any more extr —”.


Love dropped the spoon he had been holding, turning around quickly.

P'Tangmo was standing behind them, just staring. And Love's first thought was that he looked so handsome. Immediately after he had thought that, blood had rushed to his cheeks, and he had broken eye contact.

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