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"I know M'baku's hand writing quite neat if you ask me."Nakia says giggling.

"Also the gorilla stuffed animal in your closet made it quite obvious."she says nudging me.

"What were you doing in my closet?" I ask in shock.

"You said I could borrow a dress you must have forgotten to hide the stuffed animals."she says shrugging.

"Am I in trouble?"I ask biting my bottom lip nervously.

"If you get caught by anybody else I don't know anything about this, I am not involved."she says pointing her finger at me I hug her tightly whispering several of 'thank you's'.

"Now go."she says getting up and kissing my forehead "Okay."I say embracing her for the last time and left.

"Mmh M'baku this is soooo good."I say with my mouth full of delicious pasta covered in white cheese sauce and mushrooms.

"Now would you consider being a vegetarian?"he asks leaning on the counter in front of me "Mmmh M'baku."I grumble sipping my glass of grape juice.

"I'm still in a tight relationship with chicken and beef."I say shrugging making him sigh heavily, I finish off the pasta and gulp my juice.

"I liked the food though."I say jumping down the tall stool and poking his chest, he swats my hand away walking to his throne room "M'baku..."I whine following behind him through the cold hallway.

He didn't respond.

"M'baku?"I call out once again watching him sit on his throne, I take giant steps toward him but slowly with my hands behind my back like a child.

"My king."I say placing my hand on his cheek as I was now standing in front of him.

"Kumkani?"I say kissing his cheek followed by his neck, I then sat on his lap sucking on his neck.

"My Lord."I whisper in his ear making him shiver and I'm certain it wasn't because of the snowy conditions outside.

"Pr-Privacy."He says to one of his men, making him walk away "You're willing to talk to me because of sex? Unbelievable!"I yell crossing my arms and getting off his lap.

"Hawu mbali yami..."
"Hhayi M'baku."I respond crossing my arms he rolls his eyes and pulls me back on his lap making me laugh and place my arms around his neck.

"Don't make me take you on this very throne."he says in his deep rich accent "Your father would be quite disappointed to see you having sex with your lover on his throne M'baku."I respond poking his chest.

"He'd be delighted to see that I'm expanding the kingdom might even give him the heir to the throne."he says making his voice abit deeper and placing his forehead on mine making me lean in and peck his lips.

"Mmh really?"I ask as he unzipped my hoodie revealing my tank top that showed off my cleavage.

"Now that I see these, Definitely."he says kissing my breast and making me run my hand up and down his nappy but soft hair, he eventually pulls them both out and starts sucking my nipples and playing with them.

"M'baku."I moan now straddling him and grinding on him slowly, I could feel myself becoming wet.

"M'baku wait."I whisper as he gently placed me on his bed, he carried on taking off my hoodie and tank top.

"M'baku hold on."I whisper still enjoying his touch "M'baku please."I say loudly making him look at me in the eyes "What's the matter my love?"he asks laying down next to me making me take my hoodie and covering my exposed chest.

"M'baku I've never done this, I'm a virgin."I say looking down with embarrassment.

"Khwezi, I won't rush you don't worry."he says placing his finger under my chin and lifting it up so I could look into his eyes I smile and embrace him making him run his hand up and down my bare back.

"I love you so much."I mumble into his neck "I'm impressed, this is the first time you're saying this."he says chuckling and placing his hand on my lower back pulling me closer.

"Shut up."I mumble in his neck giggling "I love you too my love."he whispers back making me smile and pull away from the long and warm embrace.

"I need to leave."I whisper putting my tank top and hoodie on making him groan in frustration "I'm sorry... I'll make it up to you I promise."I say rolling off the bed and putting on hoodie on properly
"Walk me out."I say smiling at him.

"I love you."I say standing on my tip toes and kissing him as I pull back he pulls me back in.

"I love you too goodnight."he says
"ooh I love the presents."I say kissing his cheek "Just spoiling you my love."he says chuckling.

"Oh and Nakia knows about us... Bye!"I say jogging away and making sure I don't slip.

"Khwezi! It's 11am! Wake up!"Okoye yells making me fall off my bed "You missed breakfast, Come eat."She says laughing at my tired state.

After washing my face and hands I made my way to the breakfast table see Shuri still there she's a slow eater because she's always on her gadgets even though Queen Ramonda keeps yelling at her about bringing these gadgets to the table.

"I thought mother said no gadgets to the table!"I yell making her jump in fright and almost dropping her gadget making me laugh.

She puts up the middle finger in frustration "Morning little miss moody."I greet poking her head and walking to where I usually sit for breakfast opening my cover to see mixed berries and yogurt...the usual.

"Did you not sleep?"T'Challa asks doing some paper work in front of him in the throne room as he heard my on going yawns.

"I guess not."I respond yawning once again shaking my head and standing up straight he chuckles and continues with his work.

I'm T'Challa's guardian...in a way.
I'm not too sure if this will make sense but here we go!

My mother said before I was born she had a dream...a special dream where Bast, our Goddess spoke to her and told her I'd be a very special child and I'd be born with the heart shaped herb running in my vain, my father didn't really believe any of this so he just ignored it...his ignorance was going to get the best of him.

I was born a month before my due date and I was a very sick baby the doctors were convinced that I'd die they even had a death certificate ready but my mom called a friend of her's who helped me...I'm not too sure what she did but she made me a healthy baby once again.

But this health kinda had a catch.

"Go rest."T'Challa says shaking his head as I yawned once again.

"No...I'm fine.
I'm your (yawn) guardian."I whisper shaking my head "I'm fully capable of taking care of myself mentally and physically now go."he says making me walk out the throne room "Thank you."I say before shutting the door.

That's exactly what I did...take a really long nap.

I need a really long nap right now.😭💔

I hope you enjoyed that!
Don't forget to vote and comment if you have to! ❤️

Khwezi 🌼Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant