Chapter 3 - The Foam

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A few days later, one of their friends, Jenevee, invited everyone to her birthday party. Birthday parties are usually the same old, same old, but this time it was going to be a foam party. For those of you that are not getting the vibes here, it's basically a bunch of poorly dressed teens running around a yard with a bunch of bubbles. Anyways, everyone was really excited as most of them had never been to a foam party, and were wondering what to expect.

Molly and Jenevee were close friends so Molly arrived early to help set up the party. She set snacks down on the table, as various people inflated a bouncy house, set up a large amount of apparatus for what seemed to be a foam machine, hung decorations, or made plans for the food to be delivered.

Nobody knew if Cody would be able to make the party. After the summer, he enrolled in one of the many private catholic schools in the area. Tonight happened to be the Homecoming Dance, so nobody knew if he would choose his friends, or his school.

People slowly began to arrive, and soon the backyard was teeming with teenagers. Molly socialised with her peers but was upset that her boyfriend had not arrived yet, and given no word if he would be, so she assumed like everyone else that he was not coming. She took a sweeping glance of the area, and just before she looked away the back door to the house opened and a familiar face stepped out.

Molly pushed her way through the crowd and latched onto her boyfriend. The majority of the party goers made a semicircle around the two of them and, using their slew of devices, taking pictures along with many "Awwwwwws." Before long, however, the group had dispersed to pursue other interests aroun the yard.

"I didn't think you'd come," Molly told Cody, as they shared a moment of silence in one of the corners of the yard.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't either, but my parents let me skip my seminar night at school," He responded, as he pulled her into his arms, draping a towel over their sholders.

For a few minutes they stood there, watching the sun slowly make its way towards the horizon. There was a sudden movement as one of their friends ripped the towel off of their sholders, and a scream as Molly landed on the ground. Cody helped Molly up and then chased down the towel thief, yelling some less then appropriate words in his pursuit.

The chase was interupted when the towel was flung into Cody's face, as the perpetrator ditched it to dive into the foam that had recently begun to pour out of two large pipes, and onto a mat to some what protect the grass.

For the most part, the teens warily stepped into the foam, not really knowing what to expect. Then, someone tripped someone else, and there was a full on foam fight. Even the people that had opted to remain away from the foam found themselves covered in suds as foam was carried away and dumped onto them.

Molly and Cody approached the mountain of bubbles together, but were quickly split up as two different friend groups pulled them in. At some moments they were together, but it was basically a mess of teenagers trying to get underneath the foam, so nobody really stayed near anyone. They remained separated until most of the guests had grown bored of the foam, leaving an ever growing pile of froth for the two of them.

They sat down where the foam would be waste deep in a sitting position, by now they were covered in head to toe so there was no worries about getting drenched. Interlocking hands, the two of them sat together, watching the blue afternoon sky fade into the blackish purple of the night, and the twinkle of the stars slowly became visible.

Molly took a large amount of the foam and molded it onto Cody's face. After she finished her work, she told him "You look like Santa....if he was a cute teenage boy," she proclaimed after creating her masterpiece.

Cody decided to try, but ended up just kind of covering Molly's face in bubbles in no particular order. "Um....yeah I have no clue what you look like to be honest," he told her when he was done.

A cool fall breeze swept across the yard, a sign that winter was coming, which prompted Molly and Cody to leave the foam behind for now, as they got up and looked around for the towel that had been taken from them.

Once they found it they walked towards the fire that was now blazing into the night sky, taking turns sharing the towel. Luckily there was a chair still open, so they shared it, sort of half sitting, half lying down. They put the towel over them like a blanket, and Cody wrapped Molly in to the cocoon of his arms.

They knew that people would be taking pictures of them, already evident by the camera flashes, but they did not care. The only thing that mattered to them in this moment was each other, and to be held by someone who's only care in the world is you is a wonderful feeling, both of them thought as time passed them by.

A little while later, Cody asked Molly "Want to go in the bouncy house?"

"I don't see why not," she said as they got up with their towel, and walked to the currently empty bouncy house. A small group of their friends followed them in, proclaiming themselves the "Dicco AF fan club," but they did not disturb them so Cody and Molly were fine.

The couple lied down in the far corner of the bouncy house, right next to a rip in the mesh wall. The towel was once again used as a blanket, as Cody gently kissed Molly on the forehead and pulled her in to him.

Both of them agreed that cuddling here was much more enjoyable anywhere else, noting the "air bed" effect, and enjoying the floor manipulating to their movements. For the most part, the bouncy house was tranquil, besides the few movements of the others with them, it was easy to forget that they were not alone.

Molly and Cody stared into each other's eyes, mesmerized by them, and simultaneously moved in for a kiss. As their lips connected, Cody put his arms around Molly's waist Molly put hers around his neck. Their kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but to them it felt like most of the night. Molly leaned her head on Cody's chest, and watched the stars slowly get brighter as the true darkness of the night began to show.

All of a sudden someone else in the bouncy house screamed. Everyone looked at them, as they stared up into the sky. Above them, a large amount of foam slowly floated down towards the bouncy house. Everyone fled, some climbing over the bouncy house walls, and even over the couple to use the hole in the wall, but no one taking the main entrance/exit in fear of someone waiting for them.

After that fiasco, Molly and Cody regrouped, and then found out that the food had arrived. They both got up and grabbed a slice of pizza to eat by the fire.

"Haven't seen you two in a while, where'd you run off to?" Alexa asked.

"Oh, we were just chilling in the bouncy house," Cody responded, as they found a new seat.

Once they finished eating, they decided to leave the bouncy house, which was disgustingly wet and covered in bubbles at this point. They walked over by the swing set, and found the hammock to be unoccupied, so they spent most of the rest of the party close together, enjoying each other's company, under the stars.

The fall breeze softly swayed them, as the cool air brought them closer and closer to each other. They heard that the birthday cake was coming out, so they both got up and walked over to the crowd of people. They sang "Happy Birthday" and after having a slice of cake, heard that something interesting was going on in the house.

Molly and Cody walked into the basement, where it was dark, except for the purple glow of a black light that was installed down there. For the rest of the night, they sat together, talking with friends, and enjoying the effect that this lighting had on colors, and mood.

When it finally came time to leave, Molly and Cody walked each other out, and hugged before walking to their separate cars.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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