Kial Monroe

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Name: Kial Monroe

Pronunciation: (Kyle) (Monroe)

Species: Fairy

Nicknames: Petals, Clover

Gender: Gender Fluid

Age: 22

Sexuality: Pansexual

Language spoken: English

Native language: Irish/French

Where do they live: Woods near a lake

Relationship status: Single

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120lbs

Figure build\what body looks like: Muscular but not huge

Hair color: Dusty gold

Hair style: Emo ish?

Eye color: Sea green

Skin\fur\ect: Pale skin with sparkly freckles

Tattoos: Comma on ankle, flower on right shoulder, star on chest

Personality: Shy but very loving

Likes: Most things found in nature

Dislikes: Humans

Fears: Being alone and thunderstorms

Fav color: Dusty pink

Hobbies: Reading, singing, making things

Taste in music: Celtic

Ability: Waterbending

Back story: Kial grew up with abusive parents and no siblings. Their parents would throw each other, and them, against walls. That's why they are afraid of thunder. Their father beat them within an inch of their life and left Kial to die. His father dragged them into the woods and left them for dead. Kial woke up two days later, almost fully healed, and found themself alone. That's why they are scared of being alone. A white light appeared after they had been crying for a while, and a beautiful fairy helped them out. She turned them into a fairy and brought them home to live with her in her home. They live in a small cabin on the secluded lake. They are closer than any human has ever been to them.

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