Chapter 39 - 5th Avenue

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Hannah and Steve sat down in the café on 5th Avenue and each instantly picked up the menu.  Neither of them had eaten anything all day, and so the use of the 'company' credit card with an unlimited budget was much appreciated.

Once they had finally finished ordering what appeared to be the majority of the menu, Hannah and Steve got to talking.

"So, Han.  Ummm. Sorry," Steve laughed, "I'm trying to come up with small talk but I just can't." Steve looked up, still laughing as he spoke.

Hannah began laughing too, "It's okay. Look," Hannah said as she tried to control her laughter. "I'll start.  So, tell me about you family, considering you know about mine."

"Fair play, good place to start.  Well, my mom's name was Sarah, she was originally from Ireland but then moved to the US.  My Dad's name was Joseph Rogers, pretty ordinary man, not much to tell you about him.  I had an awful lot of health problems as a kid, before the serum at least.  They caused me a lot of problems growing up but I never let that stop me.  I fought on despite the risk to my life that my health brought with it.  I learnt Gaelic from my mom when I was a kid, but I'm a little rusty with it now.  They both died when I was young, not that they'd be alive now anyway.  But yeah, that's me."

"Wow! Whistle stop tour of the Rogers family tree!"  Hannah laughed, with Steve soon joining in.

"Well, ya know.  I don't like to linger too much on the past, but I'm still proud of where I came from."

"Absolutely.  It's nice to know your life up until the serum was pretty ordinary, except the health problems."  Hannah half chuckled.

"Boringly so.  Yeah, nothing too interesting.  Right!  My turn now!"

"Noooo!  At least you finally thought of a question I guess!"  Hannah said with her head in her hands, peaking through her fingers at Steve.

"Exactly!  I'm just glad the pressure is off me, for now."

"Ughhh!  Go on then, shoot."

"Perfect.  So," Steve leant forward on his elbows with his chin rested on his hands, "When is your birthday exactly?  I've become curious as to how they work on Asgard."

"What?  That's it?"

"That's what I wanna know."

"Oh! Well, pretty boring answer, I don't have one.  Not on earth at least, and birthday's are a little weird on Asgard."

"That has oddly surprised me.  But I feel like you should have one, given you've been on earth so long, and we always make a big deal out of them at the tower."

"Oh wow!  Okay.  What date should I pick then?"  Hannah questioned, leaning back into her chair.

"Why don't we have a look online for popular birthdays and random dates?"  Steve suggested.

As the pair began searching, their lunch came out, so they put their phones down and dug into the mountain of food that had been set down in front of them.

Once as much as the food as they could manage had been eaten, Steve turned back to his phone.

"How about December 22nd?"  Steve suggested.

"Why that date?"

"It's the date of the winter solstice in 1989, the year you were born.  So it seems fitting, what with your powers being what they are."

"That's really sweet.  Yeah.  I like it.  December 22nd it is."  Hannah's smile became big and beaming as she was looking at Steve.

"How about you make it official?  We could either call Fury and get him to sort it out, or you can go down to City Hall and do it there instead?"

"City Hall sounds very official, so let's do it there."

"Well, if we're all finished here, your chariot awaits."  Steve said as he stood up, gesturing towards the door, causing them both to laugh.

"Why thank you kind Sir!"  Hannah said as she took Steve's arm and they made their way out to Steve's bike, and took off towards City Hall.

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