Chapter 22

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|Raw Live: Part 2|

Roman's Pov:

Miley and I walked backstage and was immediately approached by Charlie one of the backstage interviewers. "Roman Miley first of all congratulations on your engagement and on your new baby!" Charlie said. "Thanks Charlie," I said and Miley smiled. "Roman you have a match with Drew McIntyre tonight.....and its no secret that there's bad blood between you. What do you hope happens tonight?" Charlie asked.

I took a deep breath. "I hope that once and for all I will put McIdiot in his place! He has caused trouble not only for me but for my brothers as well. That's all coming to an end tonight! You can BELIEVE THAT!" I stated and walked away with Miley leaving Charlie staring after us.

"Good answer baby," Miley said as we walked back to our locker room. Shawn was waiting for us by the door. "For fucks sake," I heard Miley mutter. "Shawn. Why are you here?" I asked sharply. "Look I wasn't lying out there. I did get help. I don't drink anymore. And I'm getting counseling for my anger issues," he said.

Miley stared at him. "How do we know that you're telling the truth? You've lied to us so many times already," she said, voicing what I was thinking. "Here here's proof," Shawn said and shoved a sheet of paper at us

I took it and looked at it. It was a paper from a mental health facility in Texas. "Looks legit," I said handing it to Miley. She read it over then handed it back to Shawn. "Ok so you're seeing a counselor," she said to him.

"She's actually a psychotherapist," Shawn said. "She uses hypnosis to treat my issues." I looked at Shawn. "Does it help?" I asked. "A lot. She takes me back into my past. It helps to talk about what my dad did around me and my brothers," he said.

I looked at Miley then back at Shawn. "Look maybe we jumped to conclusions a little fast. We're sorry Shawn. Maybe we could all be friends?" I said holding out my hand. Shawn looked at it then shook it. "Sure," he said.

"Come on baby you need to prepare for your match," Miley said and we walked away from Shawn. "Miley I'll always love you!" he blurted out and I blew out an exasperated breath. "Will he ever give up?" I asked as we walked into the locker room.

"Get Shawn off your mind and get Drew on it!" Miley said and I looked at her. "Ew do I have to?" I asked and ducked when she tried to hit me. "Just get ready!" she said laughing. I went to finish getting ready and I tightened my glove around my wrist. "I'm ready baby," I said.

Ten minutes later I was in the ring waiting for McIdiot to show up. Miley was in my corner like always.  Finally his music played and he walked out. He stalked down the ramp and looked over at Miley and winked at her! I growled angrily as he climbed into the ring.

Miley looked away from him. Drew walked over to where she stood and smiled. "Miley Miley Miley why are you with that stinking piece of Samoan shit when you can have a real man like me?" Drew said. "Leave my woman ALONE!" I yelled and went after him. The bell rang and we started beating each other up.

Miley's Pov:

I watched as Roman beat the shit outta Drew. Drew got a few hits in but Roman was dominating the match. "Kick his ass baby!" I yelled as Roman slammed Drew down on the mat. Drew jumped up and head-butted Roman in the stomach making him drop to his knees.

"Oh no......," I said as I watched Drew get ready to kick Roman in the head. Roman must've sensed what was coming because when Drew kicked out Roman grabbed his ankle. "That's it baby!" I screamed as Roman bent Drew's ankle at an angle no bone should ever go. Drew screamed in agony and Roman let him go after a count of five from the ref.

Drew stood there trying not to bear weight on his now injured ankle. Roman looked at me and I nodded. He ran at Drew and Superman punched him and he dropped like a brick to the mat. Roman backed off as Drew got to his feet swaying unsteadily. Roman locked eyes with me again and I said the two words I knew he wanted to hear: "Spear him!".

Roman nodded and faced Drew. He put everything he had into the most lethal spear of his career and Drew slammed down hard on the mat. Roman covered him quickly. "1! 2! 3!" the ref counted and the bell rang ending the match!  "Here is your winner Roman Reigns!" the announcer said and I climbed into the ring and hugged Roman tight.

Drew slowly sat up and glared at Roman as he stood there holding me and catching his breath. "This aint over Reigns!" Drew spat. "Yeah it is," I said and slapped Drew hard across his face. Roman scooped me up into his arms and carried me backstage where we had our own private celebration.

*That's the end of this book for now. But there sure will be book 2 coming soon. Thank you all for reading, I hope you all liked it. Please check out my other books and new books will be coming soon also. Part 2s and part 3s.

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