My train of thoughts are broken as I heard a thud. Instead of me now the owner of the café is on the floor. 'Well I got no comments about the scene in front of me', I would be lying if I said that. I don't actually like the owner that much as because of his affairs his beautiful wife took her life. She was a very kind lady and handled this café the best. I did miss her a bit due to which I couldn't bring myself to like the owner.

The owner was pleading the bulky man who goes by the name Leo De Alvaro. The bulky man or Leo actually didn't care to pay heed to the owner's pleading, instead he told his men to take all the money from the cashier and to make a move. The owner begged more but Leo just kicked him in the gut and left the café. Beautiful! Is the only word which comes to my mind as his crystal blue eyes meet my plain green eyes. He glances for the last time at me and then leaves in his BMW with his members following him in their SUV.

" Are you alright? " asked Marie, one of my colleagues.

" Yes. " I replied back politely.

She puts her arms around me and takes me in a tight embrace.

" Oh, thank God! I was so scared! I- " I muted myself from her blabbering.

Today I accomplished one of my tasks from my task list. The task was to make the crystal blue eyes look at me and I have successfully accomplished it! The day I complete all my tasks from my task list I'll be in the arms of the one who loves me.

'Love is something which can't be forced or bought. It's a natural feeling which you feel for someone who is dear to you. The first love of many is their parents.' That's some of the information I had got from my best friend Eva on love.

Eva is a sweet heart. We are dipper buddies and known as the little devils of our family. We have done many things together but only with our family present with us, we were never allowed to go anywhere alone except to take tours of our family properties and that is very boring. Eva couldn't join me on my journey to discover things in the outside world as she is already engaged and her soon to be husband is very safety conscious about her. So, this time I'm alone but it's fun and in order to not make Eva worried I call her everyday to update her about everything that is going on in my life, I do hide some information from her because I don't want to worry her about things which don't concern her.

Suddenly I felt the loss of someone else's skin which made me realize that Marie had stopped hugging me. That ended soon compared to her other hugs. Giving Marie a small smile I walk towards the owner's office. Today was just too much, I can't have someone take my things from me for a job, so I plan to quit. I can continue doing my tasks in other manner too, I don't need this job to complete everything.

Fisting my hand tight I knock on the owner's office door. After some seconds I hear a low voice say, "Come in..." Taking that as my cue I enter his office. Closing the door behind me I go and stand near his table. The owner's back is facing me and I don't understand why. I can't waste my time here so I look at his back and say what I want.

'' Sir, I'm resigning from my job as a waitress." I place my letter on the table. This letter was always in my pocket because I didn't like the place that much and just because of one reason I knew I couldn't be held back for long over here, soon I would lose my interest and I did lose my interest.

" Okay, you may leave now. " the owner said while still facing his back towards me.

I leave his office without any further delay. Even though I don't like him, I can't help but think that these incidents have caused some damage to him......Well I don't have time to worry about him. I begin to move towards the locker room where all the staff belongings are kept. Entering the locker room, I notice that it's empty. Seems like all are in the kitchen busy gossiping about how worried they were for their precious live. Changing into my casual wear I take my belongings and make a move from the back door because I don't want to be caught by another 'worried for life ' human being now. Pathetic.

On opening the back door, the cold wind of January hits my face. After walking for only thirty seconds my whole body is covered with goosebumps. This is something which is possible in the month of January in my home city Rome, well I am in Rome. But the only difference now is that I am working in a café instead of sitting at my father's mansion's fireplace.

Well that is one of the many luxuries which I left behind in order to maintain an ordinary life. Now instead of fancy rooms and parties without meaning there is a comfortable apartment and some meaning to my life. Leaving the title behind did bring the real joy in my life. Those crystal blue eyes too helped to bring meaning to my life. I do envy them but I think now I'm going to stop that and focus more on enjoying my life to the fullest.

I am now Sofia Ricci instead of Aurora Russo the daughter of Alessandro Russo. As without the title comes freedom and I want this freedom to last till the end as the taste of freedom is the sweetest.

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