♥️♥️The Beginning♥️♥️

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        Sento's POV

Everyone is cheering and celebrating becuase Kanei-kun managed to break the curse of the princess that was with her many years.

         I was happy and at the same time  a bit sad, i don't understand my feelings. It's mixed with gladness, sadness, and happiness. After a few minutes Lord moffle called out to me "you ok???" He asks with a worried face. I quickly reply " yes but ...." i looked around watch everyone's happy face then i look down. Muffle tapped my shoulder and hug me " now that we know that princess liticia is saved then the thing we only need to do is... you know what i mean" lord muffle said with a down sad voice. Yes i know what you mean i perfectly know. Looking up at the sky filled with sparkling star. The time has finally come huh.

The next day


       I am so happy, i could even die in peace knowing that my lovely niece is finally saved but i hate to admite it that the one who saved her wasn't me but Seiya Kanei. Knowing that made  me tell them to get ready for the feast everyone is jumping up and down with happiness. It is really worth celebrating this event. The party starts everyone enjoyed every tiny moment happily. Feeling tired with all the preparing for the feast and stuff. i take a little stroll in the mazed garden. where i meet Sento with a face with mixed emotions. I call unto her and ask her "you ok??" I was really worried at her "yes but..." i was so puzzled why her making that face at this time then i suddenly remembered something.


Years ago

       We are all cursed from baby to old ones even the royalties. We experience hardship because of all the curses that had been bestowed upon all of us. All of us may have lived for thousand of years but dead even before it reach hundred of old. The most powerful magician the queen had died because of the enemy the evil sorcerer. So the hope in us was broken into pieces. Suddenly My brother the king had make an announcement the all the cursed one will gather at the palace garden and there cursed will be lifted. I was so shocked that my brother finally found a solution i  run to him to ask him how?? Just how did he . I run happily and curiously i open the door of the throne room and saw the king. "Your Majesty can i ask for your-" before i can even finish what i am about to say the king suddenly hug me "My little brother your here. Are you curious about the news want me to tell you?!" Said the king with a bright smile "Please tell me i am really curious" as they break the the hug. They go in a room and saw a little girl with an identical face of the queen and smiling brightly like a sun then i the king " What is this girl doing here?? Her face look like the queen !!" I look closer to the girl and ask her name but before she can answer "she is my daughter who will save us all from this curse" My eyes widen and shouts "WHAT??DAUGHTER !!!!! SHE WILL SAVE US WHAT ARE U TAKING ABOUT BROTHER??" Then the king said "She is my second daughter Sento you don't know this but the queen survive for her and leaving a note that she is the only one who can save us" i was speechless even the greatest wizard can't save one person then the king is telling me that thus girl is his child and will save us a)ll i got angry and said " are u insane we all know that we can't be save by a little girl.right?"
As i said that the king raise his voice and said "You don't believe me ? Then check me do i still have my curse " i scan him and there was no sign of curse in him " you got to be kidding" i said " someone must did it for her " i continued just then the girl stand up and give a bright smile saying "don't worry you'll witness now " it was so bright i can't see anything all i could hear is her chanting of spells then in a second my curse disappear. I believe at them the next day she heals us all then there it happened the cursing of the princess ask sento to uplift her highness's curse but her respond is
"i can't " she said with a sorry face
i was really mad and punch her  out of thought she cried and the king bragged in "what do you think your doing, muffo?"
Said the king angrily
"You doesn't even know the sacrifice she had done for us all"
i was too confused to say something the king continued
"Princess Sento can't heal Princess Laticia at the moment because the princess is too weak and sento needs a time to recover"
look at her then the king and ask him " what do you mean too weak and what's recovering ha sacrifice what are you talking about???"
The king inhale then exhale and started to explain

""Princess Sento we know nothing about so we ask her about it then she said happily my powers can take curses or power of another person but i don't wanna steal powers i only get does power are too dangerous for the user or the user is too dangerous for the power then mom leaves a letter for me that i need to get all the curses in land but if i use it too much i will disappear and all the curses that i take will just go back to you she used her power too much that she needs to rest and she sai that onee-sama is too weak in heart she will not make it if i get her curse here so we need to send her to earth and make her stronger she said don't worry because she will surely save her"
Hearing it make me feel relief i went home and then few hours later someone knock i opened the door and see sento in front of me
"Can i talk to you please" she said
"Please come inside" i offered and the atmosphere become tense then she started talking
" i apologize with my sincere heart for what happen i know that father already told you but i know that it's not in full details" then smiled and continued
"I will tell you  even if i accomplished or  not  the curses hunting i will still disappear" she smiled while i remain shock" what do you mean??" I said "My curses is that if princess liticia's curses is she will for get everyone then mine is opposite everyone will forget about me but my mom the queen said that you will be able to remember me and my destined person but i think i don't have one that's why i will rely on you please don't forget about me!!" Her tears started to fall that day i promised not to forget about her and love her as i love liticia ...


"I'm sorry" i felt guilt coming at me
For forgetting about her i hug her and felt i was lost my niece is suffering thats what i think "Lord Moffle you need to go inside latifa must be waiting lets talk about this tomorrow please don't forget" she smiled exactly the smile she gave me when we first met a very bright smile " seems like your gonna be fine" i started to walk inside and as i enter muse approach me and ask "where sento moffle-sama" i told her that she still in the garden taking a stool "thank you im gonna get her " i tried to stop her but suddenly someone pulled me and make me sing minute later it suddenly there's an earthquake ...... i rush to the venue to see if someone is injured



They said i saved her i, Seiya Kanei save their princess named Latifa Fleuranza their now celebrating but
* i wonder where is sento now ??*
I ask muse "Do you know where sento go?? i haven't seen her quite some time now" then she look around
"Now that you mention it i think i saw her with moffle in the garden their talking so serious so i didn't bother them" she said and walk to her squad singing and dancing. I feel a bit empty  without sento here....ehhhhh!!did i just i put my hands on my mouth and look outside the window i saw sento looking at the moon i look closer but the closer i look the clearer i can see that sento is crying. She's crying that is full of sorrow and regret ... Why??
Why is she crying ?? Then an earthquake suddenly occurs.


After Lord Moffle left i cried and cried  like i'm gonna die tomorrow but no one wull mourn for me it hurts this curse makes me do what i don't wanna do.
A girly voice called my name
I knew right away that it was muse she run to me and a massive  earthquake occurs a pile of big bricks fall toward her
"Muse watch out" that was the last thing that i remembered .......


Everyone seems fine but suddenly muse screams "SENTO-SAN wake up sento- san" i run nervously and saw sento laying at the floor with her body covered with blood i run to her and called out her name again and again every time i called out on her and she does not respond i feel like something is going to reap my heart it feels like she's going to leave me.
When the ambulance came i rush like there is no tomorrow. Why do i feel like this Why???


Hello everyone please read this story

This is actually my first time writing

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