Chapter 1-

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Authors note: On this fan fic Zoella is 18 not 24 (her real age) and she's going to college with all the youtubers,not all the facts on this fan fic are true. I hope you enjoy! Xxx -Kaylie

Zoey's POV

It was eight o'clock In the morning,I got out of bed and took a relaxing warm shower,I blow dried my hair and tied it in a big high ponytail,I putted on a white crop top some black leggins and my favorite black converse. I putted on foundation and some basic make-up. I took my new floral backpack and took out of it my phone to see if I had any new messages.

"You got 2 new message(s)"

There was a message from my best friend Louise and one from Tanya my other ama-zayn friend,as you can see I'm a directioner hehe. I ignored the messages cause I wasent In the mood of responding even tough I couldent wait to talk to them,we haven't seen eachother on the school break cause me,my mom and dad,my younger brother Joe went on a family trip to Alaska.

Alfie's POV

I woke up and took a quick shower and got ready,really fast I ran down the stair and saw my mom was placing the breakfeast on the table and my dad had alredy left for work. I decided to not wait f impatientence took a blue bowl and putted milk,my mom handed me the cereal and I ate it all this time calmy wich was very weird cause I couldent wait to see Zoe again,we knew eachother for a long time and she is my best friend,I also signed in for football with Louis,he's such a dare devil and basically pushed me for doing it. I took my bag I had prepared the morning before and left to cacht the bus.

Zoey's POV

I was walking down the hallway of school when I saw a familiar face,she was blonde,thin,tall....Niomi! I imediantly ran to her and gave her a big hug ignoring the fact that I just interopted her in the middle of a conversation but whatever she's my best friend what can I say?

"Zoeboo!! I missed you! How was Alaska? How is your family? Anything new? You look gorge-"

I stopped her before she could say anything about looks cause knowing Niomi,the way that she is if she start talking about fashion or make-up NOTHING is gonna stop her from doing it. I just giggled and hugged her tighter

"I missed you sooooooooooooo much Ni!" I said.

Before Niomi could awser a person appeared behind me and started tickling me,I burst into laughter and I heard the persons laugh,I could reconize that laugh everywhere...

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