What did Chad do :/

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"Where is the god damn cake?!" Grace said, angrily. She was alone in the mansion if you could call it that. Chad was there but he was passed out on the couch from all the whiskey he had drunk. "Oof guess I've gotta eat this salad." She said slamming the fridge door, waking Chad up.
"What the fuck is going on. Where has Olly gone?"
"Chad, Olly went out with the others. They got invited to a party and we didn't." Grace said "pouting".
"Oh well, I'm going to get Olly and bring him back. He said he wanted round 2 and then just leaves me? Betrayal."
"Chad no."
"Chad yes"
"Chad no you can't drive."
"Chad yes I can drive."
"Fine then don't come running to me for money when you get fined!"

Flashback Timeeee 😏

"Chadddddd?!" Olly shouts up the stairs. He wanted to try something new today.
"Come here!" (That's what she said)
"You got the whiskey?"
"Oh sweeeeet, coming! (That's also what she said)"
Olly set down old blankets on the sofa, he didn't want to mess with an angry Grace. He then led down on the sofa, like what he used to say "like a sexy lady". Olly waited for 5 minutes until he heard Chad stumble down the stairs.
"Where is the whisky? Is Lily here she can't know I'm drinking-" he got cut off when he saw Olly.
"Sup man."
"What the fuck dude."
Olly then grabs a bottle of whiskey and pours a glass.
"Chad I want to try something. And your the only guy here who lives here. Remember in secondary school? When everyone said they would find us two having "le butt sec"? I wanna try what they gay sex. I wanna find out if I'm bi or not? Makes sense? I've asked Tyler but he said no, but I understand cause he has Keira. Ma I talking too much?"
"Olly. My man. What the fuck. Why."
"Well, you see-"
"Just don't. Come here."


As Lily, Amber and Mia we're walking home after their stripper experience at the club (and Lily's second time drinking cause she is the youngest), Mia had a slight feeling something might have gone on at the Crackhouse. To be sure nothing bad happened she called Grace. Grace was the most sensible out them all.
Call With Grace:
Mia: heyyyyyy
Grace: hiya what you doing?
Lily: pass the weeeeeeed!
Amber: *screams*
Grace: Oh my god what is going on?!
Mia: oh Lily and Amber went clubbing with me but I had one drink. For them, they had about 6.
Grace: WHAT!
Mia: Don't worry everything is under control! We- I mean, I wanted to know if everything is alright before we go home. You know?
Amber: *screaming Billie Eilish songs in the middle of the road*
Lily: Grace I wanna be a teletubbie.
Grace: honestly same Lily.
Grace: Presume
Mia: so is anything going on at home? Wink wink.
Grace: oh I don't know! I'm not there at the moment. I'm round Keira's house. She's having a date with Tyler and I'm helping her get "ready".
Mia: ah okay well we will just go home then see ya later!
Grace: Bye! Make sure Amber or Lily don't die.
Mia: I won't- AMBER STOP ugh bye!
Call End
Le Time Skip ;)
As Mia put the keys in the door, she soon realised that the door was open.
"Shit someone is home. I swear to god if- no I'm not going to think about secondary school memories. Lily, Amber go in do what you want. You're, not my responsibility now." Mia said, walking into the kitchen. Suddenly, she hears a scream from the living room. She sees Lily run from the living room to the kitchen (almost slipping over), grab a knife, and run back in. Mia quickly follows and instantly regrets it. She finds:
1. Chad and Olly on the sofa.
2. Chad and Olly on the sofa, NAKED.
3. Chad and Olly on the sofa, looking like they had sex.
4. Lily with s knife pointing at them shouting "the power of Christ compels you!"
Mia walks out calmly, dragging Lily with her.
"Lily come on let's take you to your room. We have another party later. Wait where is Amber? Oh well."
"Sleep. Now. Please. Eyes. Are. On. Fire."
"Lily it's fine I'll sort it." Mia then heard the door go downstairs.
"HELLUUUUU? MIA YOU HOME?" It was Grace. Mia quickly tells Lily to sleep (she does) and runs downstairs.
"Hey Mia what's up? I have some McDonald's where you want some-" she suddenly sees what Mia didn't want her to see. Olly and Chad on the sofa.
"Grace calms down please," Olly says. "WAIT don't tell Krystel please!"
Mia gasps.

Flashback over 😒

Grace has finished most of the cake by the time Chad got back. She had started to think he had died in the way.
"Hey, Chad."
"Hey, Grace."
"Hey, Grace."
Grace suddenly looks up, to find Olly.
"No. Chad. Olly. Look me in the eyes and say * I won't do what I did earlier* okay?"
"Grace please I'm sorry I made him do it in the first place!"
"Excuses excuses."
"I won't do what I did earlier." They both said at the same time.
"If I catch you I will not trade you my Pokemon bitches."

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