chapter 9

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Travis POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. My alarm? How if it's Saturday? I get up from bed to shut it off, I'm about to get back in bed when I remembered what today was. Oh right, I was going to introduce my mother to Sal! I got super happy and headed to my closet. I wanted to dress nice for my blue angel so I went with my favorite sweater, it was a baby blue sweater that reminded me of Sally's eyes and hair.

I then grabbed some jeans that had little rips by the knees. I put on my sneakers and went to my bathroom. I washed my face and combed my hair. I was kind of nervous, but very excited. Once I was done in the bathroom I went downstairs to the kitchen. I could hear mother preparing breakfast. I step in and see my father at his usual spot and my mother was by the stove.

I greet my parents with a good morning and go to grab a glass of orange juice. I hated Saturday mornings because that's when father stayed late enough to eat breakfast with us. I look at my mother who gives me a warm smile. It made me feel better and so I go sit at the table with my father.

"Ah Travis your mother has told me that you've invited her for lunch correct?" Father looked up from his newspaper. "Yes father, I thought some quality time with my mother would be nice." I answered as confidently as I could. "That is good, I hope you treat your woman like such one day." He responded back. "Of course father, I shall be a good man like you." I said with a fake smile.

I hated saying that, I want to be everything but like my father. Who wants to live being a complete asshole to your family? So emotionless and cold. "Travis dear can you come help me set up the table?" My mother asked me. "Yes mother" I got up and started bringing the plates of food to the table. I grabbed some silverware and cups for us.

My mother thanked me and we waited for my father's approval to sit down with him. He was so weird and controlling, we could never do anything without his consent. We sat down and started to eat breakfast.

Sal's POV

I was so ready for today! I got up from bed super excited and put on my outfit that I had picked out last night. Lovely, now I've gotta try and control this mess on my head. I decided that I would brush it and let down instead of my typical pig tails. I tied some strands of my hair back kind of like a half bun hair do. I continued getting ready and finally I put on my glass eye.

I head to the kitchen where I don't see my dad. I spot a little note on the fridge from my dad. 'Hey kid sorry I left early got lots of work to do, see you later -Dad' I'm not very surprised and continue on with my day. I grab a bowl and some random cereal and serve myself breakfast. I finish eating then go to give Gizmo his breakfast.

That cat sure loves to eat. Gizmo quickly noticed and comes into the kitchen. "There's my fat cat" I greet Gizmo. He gives me a look, but forgives me because I have his food. I give him his food and go to the living room. I check my phone to see text from Travis.

>Good morning my love

It was sent quite early

>Morning church boy

I waited a little while and got a message back quickly.

>Hey Sal you ready for today?

>Of course!

>Alright so where are we meeting up?

>I'm not really sure, what works best for you? I can go pretty much anywhere

>How about we meet at the little park near my house?


>Then I'll take you to my house and my mom can take us somewhere

>Alright sounds like a plan :)

>See you soon baby blue

>See ya lover boy

I was really excited, but kind of nervous. I'd never seen Travis' mom before I only knew his dad. Well I'm sure she's nothing like him, she's probably who Travis takes on instead of his dad.

It must be horrible living with someone so cold. I don't know how he even has a soulmate. I felt bad for Travis and just thinking of the terrible life he must be living made me want to love and care for him even more. I want to protect him and take him away from that horrible life.

Seeing that I'm the love of his life it should be me who saves him from that mess. Though I also feel horrible for his mom. Imagine having to love someone so cold, thankfully Travis is nothing like that at least not anymore. It was so strange to find out that your high school bully is your soulmate, who would've thought.

I pull myself away from my thoughts and grab my phone, I text Travis...

>Hey church boy is now a good time to go to the park?

To my surprise I get no immediate answer so I assume he's busy.

This is unfinished and I will make it q 2 part just so i can actually continue this story. Thank you to everyone who's been so patient waiting and thank you for all the votes and reads :D holy heck I'm so shook and excited but anyways hope you enjoyed -sushi

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