chapter thirty-three

Comenzar desde el principio

“Yes it has, visit more over here, we miss you,” he said smiling and adjusting himself in the chair.

“No we don’t,” Jessa said as she sat on the couch and was playing on her phone. What a bitch, I swear if she wasn’t Darren’s little sister and if it wouldn’t make me look real immature I’d slap her.

“Jessa, go to your room!”

“But, dad!”

“No, buts go,” he said as she got up and marched up the steps.

“Darren, your bitch of an ex is here,” I heard her yell as she stomped to her room. Times like these make me so grateful to be an only child.

“That’s it! No computer for a week!” she grunted and slammed her door.

“Sorry about Jessa, you know how she is,” Dan said as Darren came down the steps.

I had stopped crying for about ten minutes now so I didn’t have as bad as puffy eyes now.

“Hey, Adds, what are you doing here?”

“Uh, can we talk?”

He nodded and I got up from the couch and we walked up the stairs to his room.

“What’s wrong, Addie?” he said once we sat on his bed. I started crying and he took me into his arms as I sobbed for ten minutes. He kept smoothing down my hair and rubbing my back. That’s what I loved about Darren, he was so considerate and caring.

“Now tell me why you’re crying.”

I smacked him on the arm.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“You jinxed me!” He really did, though! He brought up my mystery man earlier as him and of course, it turns out to be Morgan’s father!

“Jinxed you? What the hell are you talking about?”

“Remember earlier when you said Ian told you I had a mystery man or whatever?”

“Yeah, you’re freaking me out Addie, get on with it,” he said as he rubbed my tears away that were still falling down.

“Well, I do have a mystery man, okay? He is older, again, but only in his twenties. Well, I went to meet his parents today.”

His worried face turned into a frown.

“Is that it? You had me scared shitless!”

“No! let me finish! His father is him.”

Darren jumped up immediately and started rubbing his head.

“You’re kidding right? This is like a joke since I brought it up earlier?”

“I wish. I walked into his living room and saw him and everything came back. I mean hell; I hadn’t seen him in over a year! I was so shocked and then finding out he’s Mor-, I mean my boyfriend’s father, it was awful! And to find out he’s back with his wife!”

“Addie, don’t ever go and see him again. I mean it! That man manipulated you into falling in love with him! I fucking hate him and you should, too!”

“No, no, he did not manipulate me!” Why was I sticking up for Oliver?

“Yes he did! He knew you were a teenager and in high school! He had a wife, you had me! You both cheated! Plus, he was almost thirty years older than you, he knew better!” Everything Darren was saying was true, I just didn’t want to admit it.

“Okay. But what do I do? I mean he’s my boyfriend’s father.”
“Break up with him, it’s that easy.” If it only were.

“I can’t do that! I love him!” I blurted which made Darren sit back down on the bed next to me.

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora