#2: Xyla

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"Marry me,baby", he said as he took my hands on top of his hands.

"I'd love to. But Rylan," I replied as I look back to him and caught him looking at me with his eyes full of love and hope.

"Please, baby, please marry me", he said again, almost begging.

"Ry, we're too young for that. I'm just 19 and you're just 21. We can't sacrifice our future just because we want to be with each other. Ry, I have dreams to fulfill. And you have yours too. We can't take risk......", I told him as I tried to stop my tears from falling.

Seeing him begging breaks my heart into pieces.

"Dammit, Xyla! I can work hard for us! I have savings! Please, baby....... I just need you. I don't need anyone's suppot. I only need you. I know I only need you........", he said as the tears from his eyes flows down his cheeks.

I shook my head as a sign that I'm not liking what he's saying. My heart is saying 'no' to the thought that if we will marry each other in this state, we'll both suffer because we don't have enough money to survive. I can't let him suffer in any aspect. I can't let him get drowned all the way down to the depths and let him sink with me just because I'm selfish enough to pull him down even though I know that he's already at the top.

"I won't drag you down just to be with me, Ry", I uttered as I close my eyes just to stop my tears from falling.

I don't want to be the cause of his downfall. I don't want to tear his heart like a rock that will shatter into pieces once you throw it away. I don't want to be the one who will break him apart. He is my rock, my solid shield. If having him means he will lose his self and all that he has, then I'd rather lose him that see him lose his self because he lost all that he has.

"Don't push it, Ry. Don't beg. You don't beg. You never beg. I don't want to see you begging. I don't want to see you broke down. If we're meant to be, we'll happen. Let's not push it", I said as I push him away from me.

"I'm not gonna let you see me marry a girl that isn't you.She isn't you. Xyla, she isn't you........", he said and he started crying again.

"Marry her. I want you to marry her, Ry. Marry her for me......", I pleaded as I wipe his tears off his cheeks.

"Why can't I marry you instead?", he said and hold my hand without looking at me.

"Even though I want to marry you, I just can't, Ry. I can't. We both know I can't. So can we..........not push it anymore?", I uttered as the tears from my eyes flows again.

We were both silent for a minute not until he asked something.

"Are you going to be happy without me?", he asked, still holding my hand.

I shook my head by his sudden question. "I won't. I will never be happy."

"Then, baby. Run away with me, please.......", he said and he kissed the back of my hand that he's holding.

"Ry...... I won't run away. I can't run away. Please stop. I'm done. We're done. I love you, Ry. I will always do. And sorry. But, I'm breaking up with you......", I said as I remove my hands from his hold.

But before I could even turn my back on him, I saw how he kneeled in front of me while looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were full of pain and supplication as he begged me to stay.

"Baby......................Please.......................", he said while the tone of his voice breaks.

I turned my back on him as I prevent my tears from falling again. But the prevention I made did not work. I started walking away from him slowly as I felt my tears runs down my cheeks like a non-stop flowing water in the river.

I took a deep breath and fixed myself. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and a smile formed on my lips. I started walking towards a man who's smiling from ars to ears while he's busy watching the two little boys in front of him that is busy playing with each other. The oldest kid turned his gaze towards my direction and waved his hands as soon as he saw me. The man looked at my direction too and he wink when he caught me looking at them. I walked towards them and carried the youngest kid in my arms when I finally reached them. The kid stares at me adoringly while I'm holding him in my arms. The man moved closer beside me and he held my face.

"I love you, wife", he said while looking straight to my eyes.

"I love you too", I replied as I looked back to him.

And at that moment, I was looking at the man I never thought I'd end up with. I never thought I'd end up marrying this man. And yes, I am married to Rylan Antonius Montefiro. The same man I was pushing away a few years ago.

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