Morning music peace

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As the night was peaceful it was time for all the future young heros to wake up right at 6 in the morning. The sun  rise rose spreading its yellow, orange, and red colors light on to the land and into windows to people's sleepy eyes to wake up happily and fresh .

Aizawa so expected to wake up fine to a normal alarm sound like any other alarm, but instead he woke up to a full blast electronic song making him wake up grumpy, he gets up quick and shuts the alarm with a big slam looking irrigated at the alarm. He groans getting the second pillow by him and slamming his face to it dropping his body fully back to the bed.

" Hizashi...... whyyyy......" He was upset for sure for the way he was woken, but yet he couldn't be upset to his exultant best friend that he had a crush on. He groans more hugging the fluffy pillow on his face thinking about him liking Hizashi, with such feelings he wish to vanish and never develop but he knew he had no way to get rid of them no matter how many times he had try.

Aizawa sighs getting up streaching his body before leaving the bed, though he love much to stay in the bed he knew he had to change.  So he did change into his fresh clean school uniform. He didn't bother much to fix his dark hair but he decided to brush it just a bit. After doing normal daily morning routine he got his luggage heading out the door.

Hizashi woke up beautifully to an amazing song to his alarm of electro pop, giving him the boost1 to get off bed quickly and get prepare for the day. He did his daily routine feeling fresh everyday, he look amazing everday. He got his two luggages looking back to his room making sure it was all clean.

He closes his door pulling the heavy loaded luggages, seeing Aizawa far in the end of the hall made this heart bang with a burst of joy  , he got to see his sweet adorable tired crush in the morning wishing some day that he sees him almost everday in the morning to give him a his love and attention.

He knew he was over thinking his high hopes for a chance of actually being accepted by Aizawa to be his boyfriend, he only knew he didn't had a chance as he found out that their friendship is strong not wanting to ruin it to make a it awkward. Though he knew he couldn't hold his feelings in for a long time he had to make them fall out of his mouth one day which was this week of their field trip, he just had to wait for the right time.

Aizawa turns his head to the door steps he heard coming his way, just what made his day was the first person he saw today was Hizashi looking wonderfully handsome and bright like the shining sun, he shakes the thought away replacing it just seeing another usually friend in the morning, nothing to make a big deal out of them.

He looks at the two luggages that Hizashi was pulling with his hands. The luggages look yellow and orange, and with the force that Hizashi was using with his body to pull them, they seem heavy.

This just turn Aizawa's day down, he  knows Hizashi didn't need two luggages just one for the trip, yet he didn't bother at all to complain just let him be.

Hizashi stood front of Aziawa not too closes as he smiles enjoyable to Aizawa feeling energetic for morning time, " Good morning, Aizawa! Woke up great? Oh I want the others to hurry! Wow this week is gonna be a blast!"

Aizawa sighs shaking his head looking at Hizashi with tired eyes giving him the face he didn't wake up good,  " No I didn't woke up great thanks to that alarm with annoying sounds. I agree, the week will go smooth as it should stay on plan by our teachers. "

Aizawa heard doors open and closing seeing Nemuri and Toshinro all prepare in their uniform holding a luagge in their hands.

Nemuri yawns a bit giving her friends a light wave, " Morning guys. Alright lets eat a quick breakfast and go. "

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