“See you later, dude” He said.

“Yeah, later” P'Tangmo's voice reached Love's ears, lacking the strength it had before.

P'Vier left shortly after that, and Love turned his head back around, so now P'Tangmo was in his line of vision again. He smiled, soft and tiny, and P'Tangmo couldn't help but smile right back, his hardened expression smoothing out.

“You can go, P’. I'll just stay here for a bit”.

P’ chuckled, shaking his head. “No way I am leaving you alone here. What if something happens to you?”.

Love scoffed, but he felt his chest squeezing, something in the way that had been said making him feel all mushy all of a sudden.

“It's a dance studio, nothing's gonna happen”.

“You never know, better to be cautious”.

“Okay, P’” Love agreed finally, smirking at him. “But let me tell you it's highly possible I'll just sleep here. After all, I have to come back tomorrow, haven't I? I'll just be saving time”.

P’ chuckled again, fondness seeking through his gaze.

Love decided sleeping over his stomach wasn't that comfortable, so he made the greatest effort he could, and rolled onto his back, placing his hands over his belly. He could now see the studio's ceiling, the one covered in tiny stars, and his smiled widened. This place had the nicest view of the entire campus, and at night time, when everything was dark out, and only the little lights in there were shining, Love felt at ease.

He listened closely for any sounds, anything that would break the atmosphere, yet the only thing he spotted was the scratching of P'Tangmo moving closer to him. When he looked at him, he saw him right besides him, his hands extended.

“Okay, then. If you are gonna stay here, then at least let me stay with you” He said, and lifted up Love's head off the ground, maneuvering himself under it and letting it fall over his lap. “There, now I'm your pillow”.

Love let out a content laugh, adjusting his position, but accepting the human pillow that he had been offered. When he looked slightly backwards, P'Tangmo's smile managed to bless his sight, his blond hair falling slightly over his face.

“Sure. I could never say no to that, P’” Love joked. “None of my real pillows smell fruity like you do, so this is a clear win for me”.

They shared the stare for a few seconds, when both of them couldn't stop the grin that formed in each of their mouths. Love gulped, studying his P's face; he searched all over, from his white skin, to his squinty eyes, to his sideways smile. Love searched for honesty, and he searched for care and openness, and he searched for his best friend, the one who he could always count on, the one that always got out of his way to help him. And he found P'Tangmo, his everything ever since they had met. And it all suddenly felt way too intimate.

Love felt P's fingers tracing the skin of his neck, from the very bottom bit that was still against the floor, all the way to the center, where they stumbled upon his necklace.

P'Tangmo's gaze broke Love's as he looked at it, grabbing it and studying it.

“When did you get this?” He whispered, the silent rule between them of never speaking loud whenever the lights were out hanging in the air.

Love blinked, coming back from the little daze in which he had been zoomed in.

“Oh” He said. “Me and You got it for me for my last birthday, but it's the first time I'm wearing it”.

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